Since the 1930s, basic statistical problems have been formulated not in terms of interpreting data as evidence but in terms of choosing between alternative courses of action. This monograph is about the problem of representing and interpreting data as evidence.
Since the 1930s, basic statistical problems have been formulated not in terms of interpreting data as evidence but in terms of choosing between altern...
Randomised Response-Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials presents methods for the randomised allocation of treatments to patients in sequential clinical trials. Emphasizing the practical application of clinical trial designs, the book is designed for medical and applied statisticians, clinicians, and statisticians in training.
After introducing clinical trials in drug development, the authors assess a simple adaptive design for binary responses without covariates. They discuss randomisation and covariate balance in normally distributed responses and cover...
Randomised Response-Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials presents methods for the randomised allocation of treatments to patients i...
Sample surveys provide data used by researchers in a large range of disciplines to analyze important relationships using well-established and widely used likelihood methods. The methods used to select samples often result in the sample differing in important ways from the target population and standard application of likelihood methods can lead to biased and inefficient estimates.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Sample Surveys presents an overview of likelihood methods for the analysis of sample survey data that account for the selection methods used, and...
Sample surveys provide data used by researchers in a large range of disciplines to analyze important relationships using well-established and widel...
This monograph deals with the analysis of populations of elements. Each element is a member of one and only one class, and we shall mainly be concerned with populations with a large number of classes. No doubt the present theory has its outspring in ecology, where the elements symbolize the individual animals or plants, while the classes are the various species of the ecological community under consideration. Some basic ideas point back to a classical contribution by R.A. Fisher (1943, in collaboration with A.S. Corbet and c.B. Williams) representing a breakthrough for the theoretical...
This monograph deals with the analysis of populations of elements. Each element is a member of one and only one class, and we shall mainly be concerne...
This monograph surveys the present state of Monte Carlo methods. we have dallied with certain topics that have interested us Although personally, we hope that our coverage of the subject is reasonably complete; at least we believe that this book and the references in it come near to exhausting the present range of the subject. On the other hand, there are many loose ends; for example we mention various ideas for variance reduction that have never been seriously appli(: d in practice. This is inevitable, and typical of a subject that has remained in its infancy for twenty years or more. We are...
This monograph surveys the present state of Monte Carlo methods. we have dallied with certain topics that have interested us Although personally, we h...
Finite mixture distributions arise in a variety of applications ranging from the length distribution of fish to the content of DNA in the nuclei of liver cells. The literature surrounding them is large and goes back to the end of the last century when Karl Pearson published his well-known paper on estimating the five parameters in a mixture of two normal distributions. In this text we attempt to review this literature and in addition indicate the practical details of fitting such distributions to sample data. Our hope is that the monograph will be useful to statisticians interested in mixture...
Finite mixture distributions arise in a variety of applications ranging from the length distribution of fish to the content of DNA in the nuclei of li...
Population genetics is the mathematical investigation of the changes in the genetic structure of populations brought about by selection, mutation, inbreeding, migration, and other phenomena, together with those random changes deriving from chance events. These changes are the basic components of evolutionary progress, and an understanding of their effect is therefore necessary for an informed discussion of the reasons for and nature of evolution. It would, however, be wrong to pretend that a mathematical theory, depending as it must on a large number of simplifying assump- tions, should be...
Population genetics is the mathematical investigation of the changes in the genetic structure of populations brought about by selection, mutation, inb...
This book aims to provide a unified treatment of input/output modelling and of control for discrete-time dynamical systems subject to random disturbances. The results presented are of wide applica- bility in control engineering, operations research, econometric modelling and many other areas. There are two distinct approaches to mathematical modelling of physical systems: a direct analysis of the physical mechanisms that comprise the process, or a 'black box' approach based on analysis of input/output data. The second approach is adopted here, although of course the properties ofthe models we...
This book aims to provide a unified treatment of input/output modelling and of control for discrete-time dynamical systems subject to random disturban...
Latent variable models are used in many areas of the social and behavioural sciences, and the increasing availability of computer packages for fitting such models is likely to increase their popularity. This book attempts to introduce such models to applied statisticians and research workers interested in exploring the structure of covari- ance and correlation matrices in terms of a small number of unob- servable constructs. The emphasis is on the practical application of the procedures rather than on detailed discussion of their mathe- matical and statistical properties. It is assumed that...
Latent variable models are used in many areas of the social and behavioural sciences, and the increasing availability of computer packages for fitting...