This book provides the first look at the dynamic resurgence of Peruvian narrative since the late 1990s. Talk-show host Jaime Bayly's seven novels have scandalized Lima's society with their treatment of homosexuality and have attracted record sales throughout the Spanish-speaking world with their exciting re-creation of Lima slang and focus on McOndo themes. University lecturer Ivan Thays has vigorously opposed this light narrative by providing a -high- cultural alternative. His three novels have played an important role in the regeneration of Peruvian culture since the fall from power of...
This book provides the first look at the dynamic resurgence of Peruvian narrative since the late 1990s. Talk-show host Jaime Bayly's seven novels have...
This edited volume of fourteen specially commissioned essays written from a variety of critical perspectives by leading cervantine scholars seeks to provide an overview of Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares which will be of interest to a broad academic readership. An extensive general Introduction places the Novelas in the context of Cervantes's life and work; provides basic information about their content, composition, internal ordering, publication, and critical reception, gives detailed consideration to the contemporary literary-theoretical issues implicit in the title, and outlines and...
This edited volume of fourteen specially commissioned essays written from a variety of critical perspectives by leading cervantine scholars seeks to p...
This study in the interdisciplinary field of law and literature analyses the representation of law in the work of twentieth-century Spanish writer Carmen de Burgos (1867-1932). Drawing on Anglo-American legal theory and Spanish historical practice, it argues that her narratives of legal critique were used as a means of political propaganda, in which she introduced the question of women's rights into the public domain. Burgos can be considered one of the most important proponents of the feminist movement in the lead-up to the Second Republic and presents a particularly interesting case study,...
This study in the interdisciplinary field of law and literature analyses the representation of law in the work of twentieth-century Spanish writer Car...
The Gothic as a literary mode extending well beyond its first proponents in eighteenth-century England is well established in English studies but has been strangely under-used by Hispanists. Now Abigail Lee Six uses it as the paradigm through which to analyse the novels of Adelaida Garcia Morales; while not suggesting that every novel by this author is a classic Gothic text, she reveals certain constants in the work that can be related to the Gothic, even in novels which one might not classify as such. Each of the novels studied is paired with an English-language Gothic text, such as Dracula,...
The Gothic as a literary mode extending well beyond its first proponents in eighteenth-century England is well established in English studies but has ...
Early modern Spain's insistent rhetorics of nation and kingship, of a monolithic body of shared values and beliefs, especially in respect of racial and gender stereotypes, and of a centralized and ostensibly absolutist legislative apparatus did not map unproblematically onto the complex topography of everyday life. This volume explores the extent to which these rhetorics and the ideology they helped to construct or underpin reflected or failed to reflect the realities of social, economic, and cultural life. It sets against their typically exorbitant claims the lived, messy, and sometimes...
Early modern Spain's insistent rhetorics of nation and kingship, of a monolithic body of shared values and beliefs, especially in respect of racial an...
In the thirteenth century, profound changes in Spanish society drove the invention of fresh poetic forms by the new clerical class. The term mester de clerecia (clerical ministry or service) applies to a group of narrative poems (epics, hagiography, romances) composed by university-trained clerics for the edification and entertainment of the predominantly illiterate laity. These clerics, like Gonzalo de Berceo, understood themselves as cultural intermediaries, transmitting wisdom and values from the past; at the same time, they were deeply involved in some of the most contentious and...
In the thirteenth century, profound changes in Spanish society drove the invention of fresh poetic forms by the new clerical class. The term mester de...
Juan Ruiz's Libro de Buen Amor is one of the major literary accomplishments of the Iberian middle ages, and has generated an extensive secondary bibliography. Its uniqueness and diversity have thrilled and perplexed readers, and its influence continues to be reflected in modern letters.
Juan Ruiz's Libro de Buen Amor is one of the major literary accomplishments of the Iberian middle ages, and has generated an extensive secondary bibli...
A distinguished group of specialists examine afresh issues of particular concern to historians of the Spanish Armada. In particular they look at the contemporary Spanish view of Philip II's imperialism (Watson); at the composition and equipping of the fleet (Martin, Thompson, O'Donnell); at the unpredictable influence of outside agents, notably the Dutch fleet and the appalling weather of 1588 and its consequences (Schokkenbroek, Daultrey, Hogueras and San Pio); and at the reflection of the Armada in the myths and literature of the time (Fernandez-Armesto, Calvar, the editors). The editors...
A distinguished group of specialists examine afresh issues of particular concern to historians of the Spanish Armada. In particular they look at the c...