Despite Asia's protracted economic troubles, the region is poised to recover and perhaps become stronger than ever. This timely work identifies the major challenges facing Asia's Four Tigers (Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong), Japan, China, and their Southeast Asian neighbors (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines) as the region increases it role and stature on the world stage. Highly regarded Asia policy makers and opinion shapers consider such key questions as: What is the appropriate response to China's ascent? Are there prospects for U.S.-Asian partnerships (in...
Despite Asia's protracted economic troubles, the region is poised to recover and perhaps become stronger than ever. This timely work identifies the ma...
Despite Asia's protracted economic troubles, the region is poised to recover and perhaps become stronger than ever. This timely work identifies the major challenges facing Asia's Four Tigers (Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong), Japan, China, and their Southeast Asian neighbors (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines) as the region increases it role and stature on the world stage. Highly regarded Asia policy makers and opinion shapers consider such key questions as: What is the appropriate response to China's ascent? Are there prospects for U.S.-Asian partnerships (in...
Despite Asia's protracted economic troubles, the region is poised to recover and perhaps become stronger than ever. This timely work identifies the ma...
In the thirteenth century, profound changes in Spanish society drove the invention of fresh poetic forms by the new clerical class. The term mester de clerecia (clerical ministry or service) applies to a group of narrative poems (epics, hagiography, romances) composed by university-trained clerics for the edification and entertainment of the predominantly illiterate laity. These clerics, like Gonzalo de Berceo, understood themselves as cultural intermediaries, transmitting wisdom and values from the past; at the same time, they were deeply involved in some of the most contentious and...
In the thirteenth century, profound changes in Spanish society drove the invention of fresh poetic forms by the new clerical class. The term mester de...
Unter dem Schlagwort -Medienkonvergenz- wird eine medienpolitische Diskussion auf nationaler und europaischer Ebene um die Zukunft der Medien- und Telekommunikationsregulierung gefuhrt. Im Rahmen einer Gesamtbetrachtung ist es Ziel dieser Dissertation, einen Beitrag zur Diskussion der rechtlichen Einordnung elektronischer Dienste in bestehende Regulierungsstrukturen zu leisten. Die Arbeit analysiert die bislang tatsachlich eingetretene Konvergenzentwicklung und untersucht ihre Auswirkungen auf Medienpolitik und Medienrecht. Ausgehend von der systematischen Untersuchung des Konvergenzphanomens...
Unter dem Schlagwort -Medienkonvergenz- wird eine medienpolitische Diskussion auf nationaler und europaischer Ebene um die Zukunft der Medien- und Tel...