This book is about marine seismic sources, their history, their physical principles and their deconvolution. It is particularly accented towards the physical aspects rather than the mathematical principles of signature generation in water as it is these aspects which the authors have found to be somewhat neglected. A huge amount of research has been carried out by both commercial and academic institutions over the years and the resulting literature is a little daunting, to say the least. In spite of this, the subject is intrinsically very simple and relies on a very few fundamental physical...
This book is about marine seismic sources, their history, their physical principles and their deconvolution. It is particularly accented towards the p...
Structural geologists are well aware of the fact that isotropic rocks are quite exceptional in nature. Whicheverorigin, sedimentary,metamorphicormagmatic, rocks are shaped with a plane of mineral flattening, the foliation in geologists' jargon, and with a line ofmineral elongation, the lineation. Just like a good quarryman, a trained structural geologistwill detectapreferredorientationin an apparently isotropic granite. Preferred mineral orientation and thus structural anisotropy are the rule in nature. Consideringthe largevariationsinelasticcoefficientsofrock-forming minerals,itcould be...
Structural geologists are well aware of the fact that isotropic rocks are quite exceptional in nature. Whicheverorigin, sedimentary,metamorphicormagma...
Digital signal processing has become an integral part of observational seismology. Seismic waveforms and the parameters commonly extracted from them are strongly influenced by the effects of numerous filters, both within the earth and within the recording system. With the advent of numerous software tools for the processing of digital seismograms, seismologists have unprecedented power in extracting information from seismic records. These tools are often based on sophisticated theoretical aspects of digital signal processing which, to be used properly, need to be understood. This book is...
Digital signal processing has become an integral part of observational seismology. Seismic waveforms and the parameters commonly extracted from them a...
In seismology an earthquake source is described in terms of a fault with a particular rupture size. The faulting process of large earthquakes has been investigated in the last two decades through analyses of long-period seismo grams produced by advanced digital seismometry. By long-period far-field approximation, the earthquake source has been represented by physical parameters such as s ismic moment, fault dimension and earthquake mag nitude. Meanwhile, destruction often results from strong ground motion due to large earthquakes at short distances. Since periods of strong ground motion are...
In seismology an earthquake source is described in terms of a fault with a particular rupture size. The faulting process of large earthquakes has been...
In exploration seismology, data are acquired at multiple source and receiver posi tions along a profile line. These data are subsequently processed and interpreted. The primary result of this process is a subsurface image of the exploration target. As part of this procedure, additional information is also obtained about the subsurface material properties, e.g., seismic velocities. The methods that are employed in the acquisition and processing of exploration seismic data are internally consistent. That is, principally near vertical incidence seismic waves are generated, recorded and...
In exploration seismology, data are acquired at multiple source and receiver posi tions along a profile line. These data are subsequently processed an...
Surface waves form the longest and strongest portion of a seismic record excited by explosions and shallow earthquakes. Traversing areas with diverse geologic structures, they 'absorb' information on the properties of these areas which is best retlected in dispersion, the dependence of velocity on frequency. The other prop erties of these waves - polarization, frequency content, attenuation, azimuthal variation of the amplitude and phase - arc also controlled by the medium between the source and the recording station; some of these are affected by the properties of the source itself and by...
Surface waves form the longest and strongest portion of a seismic record excited by explosions and shallow earthquakes. Traversing areas with diverse ...
The contributions to this book follow a topical trend. In several geophysical fields evidence is accumulating concerning the deviation of the earth's structure from radial symmetry. Seismology provides the most adequate resolution for revealing the earth's lateral inhomogeneity on a global to local scale. Lateral structure in the density distribution is also manifest in the earth's gravity field and in the geoid. Asphericity in physical parameters, generally supposed only to vary with the vertical coordinate, has a profound influence on geodynamics. The effects of these deviations from...
The contributions to this book follow a topical trend. In several geophysical fields evidence is accumulating concerning the deviation of the earth's ...
Advances in seismology and extensions of its application have made it increasingly necessary to perform high-sensitivity observationsonartificial earth tremors (explosions) or on natural ones. This implies in particular to investigating the seismic conditions in large industrial centres. There are many major cities with a million inhabitants or more in seismically-active regions. In the USSR, this applies to the capitals of the Union Republics such as Alma Ata, Frunze, Tashkent, Dushanbe, and Ashkhabad, as well as to dozens of local entres and cities with extensive industrial development....
Advances in seismology and extensions of its application have made it increasingly necessary to perform high-sensitivity observationsonartificial eart...
The present book is the author's third on the subject of vertical seismic profiling (VSP). Ten years have elapsed since the pUblication of the fIrst book. During this period, VSP has become the principal method of seismic observations in boreholes and the chief method of experimental studies of seismic waves in the real earth. VSP combines borehole studies in the seismic frequency band, well velocity surveys, proximity or aplanatic surveys, all of which previously existed as separate methods. The high effectiveness ofVSP, its great practical value, the express nature and clarity of the...
The present book is the author's third on the subject of vertical seismic profiling (VSP). Ten years have elapsed since the pUblication of the fIrst b...
This work offers a unique coverage of modern seismic instrumentation. It provides not only detailed information on the basic understanding of seismic instruments but it also includes an overview of current equipment on the market.
Furthermore, the following topics are included: - installing seismic stations, networks, and arrays - working with portable instruments - calibrating instruments - dealing with response information - and teaching about seismic instruments.
This book is primarily intended for seismologists and technicians working with...
This work offers a unique coverage of modern seismic instrumentation. It provides not only detailed information on the basic understanding of seism...