This monograph is the last volume in the series 'Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics'. The previous two volumes published by Elsevier (2000, 2002) dealt mostly with wave propagation in liquid media.
The third volume is dedicated to propagation of plane, spherical and cylindrical elastic waves in different media including isotropic and transversely isotropic solids, liquid-solid models, and media with cylindrical inclusions (boreholes).
* Prevalence of physical reasoning on formal mathematical derivations * Readers do not need to have a strong background in...
This monograph is the last volume in the series 'Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics'. The previous two volumes published by Elsevier (...
This book is a continuation of 'Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics, Part I' published in 2000. The second volume is dedicated to propagation of linear plane, spherical and cylindrical acoustic waves in different media. Chapter 1 is devoted to principles of geometric acoustic in plane wave approximation. The eikonal and transport equations are derived. Ray tracing and wavefront construction techniques are explained. Chapter 2 deals with dynamic properties of wave fields. The behavior of pressure and displacements amplitudes in zero approximation is analysed in two ways: using...
This book is a continuation of 'Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics, Part I' published in 2000. The second volume is dedicated to propagati...
On September 1996, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), prohibiting nuclear explosions worldwide, in all environments. The treaty calls for a global verification system, including a network of 321 monitoring stations distributed around the globe, a data communications network, an international data center (IDC), and on-site inspections to verify compliance. Seismic methods play the lead role in monitoring the CTBT. This volume concentrates on the measurement and use of surface waves in monitoring the CTBT. Surface waves have three...
On September 1996, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), prohibiting nuclear explosions worldw...
V. I. Keilis-Borok Anatoli L. Levshin T. Yanovskaya
Surface waves form the longest and strongest portion of a seismic record excited by explosions and shallow earthquakes. Traversing areas with diverse geologic structures, they 'absorb' information on the properties of these areas which is best retlected in dispersion, the dependence of velocity on frequency. The other prop erties of these waves - polarization, frequency content, attenuation, azimuthal variation of the amplitude and phase - arc also controlled by the medium between the source and the recording station; some of these are affected by the properties of the source itself and by...
Surface waves form the longest and strongest portion of a seismic record excited by explosions and shallow earthquakes. Traversing areas with diverse ...