Im Jahr 1609 erscheinen erstmals Wochenzeitungen in deutscher Sprache. Das neue Medium verbreitet sich rasch, so da bald fast jede groouml;ere Stadt ihre Zeitung bekommt. Leser der Zeitungen sind Vertreter der Hofe, Ratsherren, Theologen und Gelehrte, aber auch der 'gemeine Mann'. Auf Grund ihrer weiten Verbreitung bilden die Zeitungen einen wichtigen Faktor in der Entstehung einer uuuml;berregionalen Schriftsprache. Die Beitraauml;ge des vorliegenden Bandes prasentieren Ergebnisse eines DFG-Projekts an der Universitat Tubingen, in dem Textstrukturen, syntaktische Strukturen und der Aufbau...
Im Jahr 1609 erscheinen erstmals Wochenzeitungen in deutscher Sprache. Das neue Medium verbreitet sich rasch, so da bald fast jede groouml;ere Stadt i...
The study proceeds from the observation that culture and journalism are in a state of flux and that the classical "Arts" or "Review" sections are coming under increasing pressure to be more innovative and indeed to justify their own raison d'etre. Drawing on a wealth of material, the author employs qualitative and quantitative empirical methods to determine whether and how the print media are making a strategic response to this challenge. The results are a) extensive data on the thematic, functional and formal structure of 'reporting on the Arts', and b) strategy profiles for different types...
The study proceeds from the observation that culture and journalism are in a state of flux and that the classical "Arts" or "Review" sections are comi...
This volume is a study of the weekly SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps published between 1935 and 1945 under the aegis of Heinrich Himmler. With editor-in-chief Gunter d'Alquen at the helm, the mouthpiece of the SS quickly became the most widely-read weekly after the Reich. Pursuing an interdisciplinary approach that combines historical description and linguistic analysis, the study examines the history of the editorial board, the historical context, dependencies on political authorities, central themes, and the linguistic and formal character of the publication. Finally, these findings are...
This volume is a study of the weekly SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps published between 1935 and 1945 under the aegis of Heinrich Himmler. With editor-...