Ce travail ambitionne inaugurer la thematisation d'une phenomenologie de la perception chez Heidegger. En prenant le contre-pied de bien des interpretations recentes concernant de questions cruciales de l'ontologie heideggerienne, notamment celles de l'articulation temporelle du present et de la distinction entre Zuhandenheit et Vorhandenheit, il defend la these inattendue que la temporalite de la perception sert de fil conducteur de l'ontologie heideggerienne du temps, dans la mesure ou elle impose la scission de la temporalite en modes authentiques et modes...
Ce travail ambitionne inaugurer la thematisation d'une phenomenologie de la perception chez Heidegger. En prenant le contre-pied de bien des ...
Experts in rheology and polymer processing present up-to-date, fundamental and applied information on the rheological properties of polymers, in particular those relevant to processing, contributing to the physical understanding and the mathematical modelling of polymer processing sequences. Basic concepts of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, micro-rheological modelling and constitutive modelling are reviewed, and rheological measurements are described. Topics with practical relevance are debated, such as linear viscoelasticity, converging and diverging flows, and the rheology of...
Experts in rheology and polymer processing present up-to-date, fundamental and applied information on the rheological properties of polymers, in parti...
The subject of this book is probabilistic number theory. In a wide sense probabilistic number theory is part of the analytic number theory, where the methods and ideas of probability theory are used to study the distribution of values of arithmetic objects. This is usually complicated, as it is difficult to say anything about their concrete values. This is why the following problem is usually investigated: given some set, how often do values of an arithmetic object get into this set? It turns out that this frequency follows strict mathematical laws. Here we discover an analogy with quantum...
The subject of this book is probabilistic number theory. In a wide sense probabilistic number theory is part of the analytic number theory, where the ...
This book is concerned with the numerical solution of crack problems. The techniques to be developed are particularly appropriate when cracks are relatively short, and are growing in the neighbourhood of some stress raising feature, causing a relatively steep stress gradient. It is therefore practicable to represent the geometry in an idealised way, so that a precise solution may be obtained. This contrasts with, say, the finite element method in which the geometry is modelled exactly, but the subsequent solution is approximate, and computationally more taxing. The family of techniques...
This book is concerned with the numerical solution of crack problems. The techniques to be developed are particularly appropriate when cracks are rela...
This book contains translations of papers from the first volume of the new Russian-language journal published at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Sibe rian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) since 1994. In 1994 the journal was titled Sibirskil Zhurnal Issledovaniya Operatsil. Since 1995 this journal has the title DiskretnYl Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsil (Discrete Analysis and Operations Research) The aim of this journal is to bring together research papers in different areas of discrete mathematics and computer science. The journal DiskretnYl Analiz i Issledovanie...
This book contains translations of papers from the first volume of the new Russian-language journal published at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics ...
This book contains selected papers prepared for the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Unsteady Combustion," which was held in Praia da Granja, Portugal, 6-17 September 1993. Approximately 100 delegates from 14 countries attended. The Institute was the most recent in a series beginning with "Instrumentation for Combustion and Flow in Engines," held in Vimeiro, Portugal 1987 and followed by "Combusting Flow Diagnostics" conducted in Montechoro, Portugal in 1990. Together, these three Institutes have covered a wide range of experimental and theoretical topics arising in the research and...
This book contains selected papers prepared for the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Unsteady Combustion," which was held in Praia da Granja, Portuga...
to the English Translation This is a concise guide to basic sections of modern functional analysis. Included are such topics as the principles of Banach and Hilbert spaces, the theory of multinormed and uniform spaces, the Riesz-Dunford holomorphic functional calculus, the Fredholm index theory, convex analysis and duality theory for locally convex spaces. With standard provisos the presentation is self-contained, exposing about a h- dred famous "named" theorems furnished with complete proofs and culminating in the Gelfand-Nalmark-Segal construction for C*-algebras. The first Russian edition...
to the English Translation This is a concise guide to basic sections of modern functional analysis. Included are such topics as the principles of Bana...
Dams are constructed for economic development, and their construction involves large investments of money, and natural and human resources. Of the various types of dams constructed around the globe, earth dams are the most common type and constitute the vast majority of dams. When adam fails, it culminates in the sudden release of artificially stored water which, in turn, becomes a potential menace to virtually everything downstream. The dam failure may result in loss of life and property. In recent years, instances of dam failure in the world have been too many, and the resulting loss too...
Dams are constructed for economic development, and their construction involves large investments of money, and natural and human resources. Of the var...
A rich variety of books devoted to dynamical chaos, solitons, self-organization has appeared in recent years. These problems were all considered independently of one another. Therefore many of readers of these books do not suspect that the problems discussed are divisions of a great generalizing science - the theory of oscillations and waves. This science is not some branch of physics or mechanics, it is a science in its own right. It is in some sense a meta-science. In this respect the theory of oscillations and waves is closest to mathematics. In this book we call the reader's attention to...
A rich variety of books devoted to dynamical chaos, solitons, self-organization has appeared in recent years. These problems were all considered indep...
Nilpotent Ue algebras have played an Important role over the last ye US: either In the domain at Algebra when one considers Its role In the classlftcation problems of Ue algebras, or In the domain of geometry since one knows the place of nilmanlfolds In the Illustration, the description and representation of specific situations. The first fondamental results In the study of nilpotent Ue algebras are obvlsouly, due to Umlauf. In his thesis (leipZig, 1991), he presented the first non trlvlal classifications. The systematic study of real and complex nilpotent Ue algebras was Independently begun...
Nilpotent Ue algebras have played an Important role over the last ye US: either In the domain at Algebra when one considers Its role In the classlftca...