A significant driver of recent growth in the use of mathematics in the professions has been the support brought by new technologies. Not only has this facilitated the application of established methods of mathematical and statistical analysis but it has stimulated the development of innovative approaches. These changes have produced a marked evolution in the professional practice of mathematics, an evolution which has not yet provoked a corresponding adaptation in mathematical education, particularly at school level. In particular, although calculators -- first arithmetic and scientific, then...
A significant driver of recent growth in the use of mathematics in the professions has been the support brought by new technologies. Not only has this...
This book is a product of the BACOMET group, a group of educators-mainly educators of prospective teachers of mathematics-who first came together in 1980 to engage in study, discussion, and mutual reflection on issues in mathematics education. BACOMET is an acronym for BAsic Components of Mathematics Education for Teachers. The group was formed after a series of meetings in 1978-1979 between Geoffrey Howson, Michael Otte, and the late Bent Christiansen. In the ensuing years, BACOMET initiated several projects that resulted in published works. The present book is the main product of the...
This book is a product of the BACOMET group, a group of educators-mainly educators of prospective teachers of mathematics-who first came together in 1...
Mathematics is generally considered as the only science where knowledge is uni form, universal, and free from contradictions. Mathematics is a social product - a 'net of norms', as Wittgenstein writes. In contrast to other institutions - traffic rules, legal systems or table manners -, which are often internally contradictory and are hardly ever unrestrictedly accepted, mathematics is distinguished by coherence and consensus. Although mathematics is presumably the discipline, which is the most differentiated internally, the corpus of mathematical knowledge constitutes a coher ent whole. The...
Mathematics is generally considered as the only science where knowledge is uni form, universal, and free from contradictions. Mathematics is a social ...
Exploring Probability in School provides a new perspective into research on the teaching and learning of probability. It creates this perspective by recognizing and analysing the special challenges faced by teachers and learners in contemporary classrooms where probability has recently become a mainstream part of the curriculum from early childhood through high school. The authors of the book discuss the nature of probability, look at the meaning of probabilistic literacy, and examine student access to powerful ideas in probability during the elementary, middle, and high...
Exploring Probability in School provides a new perspective into research on the teaching and learning of probability. It creates t...
As we enter into the 21"Century, the presence of technology, particularly techno-science, in everyday life is overwhelming. Institutions in the modem world are affected by this presence. Like Janus, the ancient Roman god whose double-faced head signified his knowledge of the present and the future, education has always been a two-faced enterprise. The past establishes goals and methods of Education, and the other face tries to capture the future and suggests and proposes new directions of thought and new styles of behavior for the generation which, in a few years, will take over both routines...
As we enter into the 21"Century, the presence of technology, particularly techno-science, in everyday life is overwhelming. Institutions in the modem ...
This book presents the reader with a comprehensive overview of the major findings of the recent research on the illusion of linearity.
It discusses: how the illusion of linearity appears in diverse domains of mathematics and science; what are the crucial psychological, mathematical, and educational factors being responsible for the occurrence and persistence of the phenomenon; and how the illusion of linearity can be remedied.
This book presents the reader with a comprehensive overview of the major findings of the recent research on the illusion of linearity.
This book brings together diverse recent developments exploring the philosophy of mathematics in education. The unique combination of ethnomathematics, philosophy, history, education, statistics and mathematics offers a variety of different perspectives from which existing boundaries in mathematics education can be extended. The ten chapters in this book offer a balance between philosophy of and philosophy in mathematics education. Attention is paid to the implementation of a philosophy of mathematics within the mathematics curriculum.
This book brings together diverse recent developments exploring the philosophy of mathematics in education. The unique combination of ethnomathemat...
Abstract: An outline of the structure of the book is presented, making the argument that the language we use for everyday mathematical ideas presents us with valuable evidence and insights into the nature of mathematics. Keywords: mathematical discourse, nature of mathematics I begin the book by looking at the way people speaking different languages talk about mathematical ideas in their everyday conversation. I end up questioning some common beliefs about mathematics, its history, and its pedagogy. The way we (English speakers) use numbers, the way we give directions, the way we express...
Abstract: An outline of the structure of the book is presented, making the argument that the language we use for everyday mathematical ideas presents ...
Mathematics is in the unenviable position of being simultaneously one of the most important school subjects for today's children to study and one of the least well understood. Its reputation is awe-inspiring. Everybody knows how important it is and everybody knows that they have to study it. But few people feel comfortable with it; so much so that it is socially quite acceptable in many countries to confess ignorance about it, to brag about one's incompe tence at doing it, and even to claim that one is mathophobic So are teachers around the world being apparently legal sadists by inflicting...
Mathematics is in the unenviable position of being simultaneously one of the most important school subjects for today's children to study and one of t...
With great pleasure I welcome you to the City of Groningen. In more than one way there is cause for celebration. Today marks the third lustrum of the annual international sympo sium on blood transfusion, organized by the Rode Kruis Bloedbank Groningen-Drenthe. In my opinion it has been a remarkable initiative of the Bloedbank, to start organizing a scientific conference, as it did, in 1976. It meant, among others, that in case of success the initiative would grow to be an annual item on the international congress calen der. It also meant that a possible third lustrum would coincide with the...
With great pleasure I welcome you to the City of Groningen. In more than one way there is cause for celebration. Today marks the third lustrum of the ...