With great pleasure I welcome you to the City of Groningen. In more than one way there is cause for celebration. Today marks the third lustrum of the annual international sympo sium on blood transfusion, organized by the Rode Kruis Bloedbank Groningen-Drenthe. In my opinion it has been a remarkable initiative of the Bloedbank, to start organizing a scientific conference, as it did, in 1976. It meant, among others, that in case of success the initiative would grow to be an annual item on the international congress calen der. It also meant that a possible third lustrum would coincide with the...
With great pleasure I welcome you to the City of Groningen. In more than one way there is cause for celebration. Today marks the third lustrum of the ...
Horacio Caviglia Luigi Piero Solimeno P. M. Mannucci
Edited by two leading orthopedic surgeons who are specialists in the treatment of hemophilia, Orthopedic Surgery in Patients with Hemophilia shows all the surgical techniques needed for surgical treatment of musculoskeletal complications of hemophilia. A practical guide, designed for use on the ward or in the office, this book draws on the experience of numerous specialists worldwide, from developed and developing countries. As well as orthopedic surgery, it also covers research, hematology, and rehabilitation. Although of primary interest to the orthopedic surgeon, rheumatologist, and...
Edited by two leading orthopedic surgeons who are specialists in the treatment of hemophilia, Orthopedic Surgery in Patients with Hemophilia shows ...
Horacio A. Caviglia Luigi Piero Solimeno P. M. Mannucci
This practical guide shows all the surgical techniques needed for surgical treatment of musculoskeletal complications of hemophilia. The book draws on the experience of numerous specialists worldwide, and is designed for use on the ward or in the office.
This practical guide shows all the surgical techniques needed for surgical treatment of musculoskeletal complications of hemophilia. The book draws on...
Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on title], held in Il Ciocco, Tuscany, Italy, April 1992, to collect an ample mass of data from different specialists, to foster discussion among them, and to form a consensus on treatment protocols and indications. The volume includes sections on he
Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on title], held in Il Ciocco, Tuscany, Italy, April 1992, to collect an ample mass of data from diff...
Before the introduction of DDA VP, centrnl diabetes insipidus was treated by the administration of a more or less purified extract from bovine or porcine posterior pituitaries, and the prepamtions were mostly given in the form of nasal snuff. In 1956, the structure of vasopressin became known and two forms were found, namely arginine vasopressin (A VP) in humans and most other species, and lysine vasopressin (L VP) which was found in the pig. In 1967, Zaornl et al. were the frrst to synthesize l-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin, DDA VP. In comparison with the compounds which were previously...
Before the introduction of DDA VP, centrnl diabetes insipidus was treated by the administration of a more or less purified extract from bovine or porc...
With great pleasure I welcome you to the City of Groningen. In more than one way there is cause for celebration. Today marks the third lustrum of the annual international sympo- sium on blood transfusion, organized by the Rode Kruis Bloedbank Groningen-Drenthe. In my opinion it has been a remarkable initiative of the Bloedbank, to start organizing a scientific conference, as it did, in 1976. It meant, among others, that in case of success the initiative would grow to be an annual item on the international congress calen- der. It also meant that a possible third lustrum would coincide with the...
With great pleasure I welcome you to the City of Groningen. In more than one way there is cause for celebration. Today marks the third lustrum of the ...