An attempt to view historical phonological change as an ongoing, recurrent process, a phenomenon which the author feels is disguised by too great a reliance upon certain characteristics of the scholarly tradition.
An attempt to view historical phonological change as an ongoing, recurrent process, a phenomenon which the author feels is disguised by too great a re...
Suzanne Romaine defines and describes the linguistic features of Pidgin and Creole languages. Ongoing development places the study of these languages within the context of current issues of linguistic theory: language acquisition, and universals of change.
Suzanne Romaine defines and describes the linguistic features of Pidgin and Creole languages. Ongoing development places the study of these languages ...
Exploring an issue that is key to early modern political, religious and cultural history, and covering the period from 1558 to 1689, this work examines what tolerant means now and meant then, within a European context. It explores the development of the liberal tradition and the modern conscience.
Exploring an issue that is key to early modern political, religious and cultural history, and covering the period from 1558 to 1689, this work examine...
Language typology is the study of the structural similarities between languages regardless of their history, to establish a classification or typology of languages. It is a core topic of historical linguistics and is studied on all traditional linguistics degree courses. In recent years there has been increased interest the subject and it is an area we have been looking to commission a book in. Jae Jung Song proposes to introduce the undergraduate reader to the subject, with discussion of topics which include - what is language typology and why is it studied; word order; language sampling;...
Language typology is the study of the structural similarities between languages regardless of their history, to establish a classification or typology...
This book presents a rhetorical model of pragmatics. Geoffrey Leech argues for a rapprochement between linguistics and the traditional discipline of rhetoric, maintaining that the language system in the abstract must be studied in relation to a fully developed theory of language use.
This book presents a rhetorical model of pragmatics. Geoffrey Leech argues for a rapprochement between linguistics and the traditional discipline of r...
Over the years, pragmatics - the study of the use and meaning of utterances to their situations - has become a more and more important branch of linguistics, as the inadequacies of a purely formalist, abstract approach to the study of language have become more evident. This book presents a rhetorical model of pragmatics: that is, a model which studies linguistic communication in terms of communicative goals and principles of 'good communicative behaviour'. In this respect, Geoffrey Leech argues for a rapprochement between linguistics and the traditional discipline of rhetoric. He does not...
Over the years, pragmatics - the study of the use and meaning of utterances to their situations - has become a more and more important branch of lingu...
Since its initiation some twenty years ago Longman Linguistics Library has established itself as a series aimed primarily at an undergraduate and postgraduate student readership. Some of its books serve as introductions to key aspects of the subject, others are more specialised: generally they assume a first year's knowledge of linguistics and lead the reader on from there. In all cases the books are self-contained; they are intended to treat important areas in general linguistics and to be of value for a number of years
Since its initiation some twenty years ago Longman Linguistics Library has established itself as a series aimed primarily at an undergraduat...
Language typology is the study of the structural similarities between languages regardless of their history, to establish a classification or typology of languages. It is a core topic of historical linguistics and is studied on all traditional linguistics degree courses. In recent years there has been increased interest the subject and it is an area we have been looking to commission a book in. Jae Jung Song proposes to introduce the undergraduate reader to the subject, with discussion of topics which include - what is language typology and why is it studied; word order; language sampling;...
Language typology is the study of the structural similarities between languages regardless of their history, to establish a classification or typology...
The History of Linguistics, to be published in five volumes, aims to provide the reader with an authoritative and comprehensive account of the attitudes to language prevailing in different civilizations and in different periods by examining the very varied development of linguistic thought in the specific social, cultural and religious contexts involved. Issues discussed include the place of language in education, variation and prestige, and approaches to lexical and grammatical description. The authors of the individual chapters are specialists who have analysed the primary sources...
The History of Linguistics, to be published in five volumes, aims to provide the reader with an authoritative and comprehensive account of the ...
A long established and highly regarded account of all aspects of the English verb taking account of recent work on tense, phase and aspect, and of the author's own research. Theoretical discussion is kept to a minimum, but the arguments are always presented within a modern theoretical framework.
A long established and highly regarded account of all aspects of the English verb taking account of recent work on tense, phase and aspect, and of the...