This text on analysis on Riemannian manifolds is a thorough introduction to topics covered in advanced research monographs on Atiyah-Singer index theory. The main theme is the study of heat flow associated to the Laplacians on differential forms. This provides a unified treatment of Hodge theory and the supersymmetric proof of the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem. In particular, there is a careful treatment of the heat kernel for the Laplacian on functions. The author develops the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and its applications (without complete proofs) via the heat equation method. Rosenberg also...
This text on analysis on Riemannian manifolds is a thorough introduction to topics covered in advanced research monographs on Atiyah-Singer index theo...
Ransford provides an introduction to the subject, concentrating on the important case of two dimensions, and emphasizing its links with complex analysis. This is reflected in the large number of applications, which include Picard's theorem, the Phragmen-Lindelof principle, the Rado-Stout theorem, Lindelof's theory of asymptotic values, the Riemann mapping theorem (including continuity at the boundary), the Koebe one-quarter theorem, Hilbert's lemniscate theorem, and the sharp quantitative form of Runge's theorem. In addition, there is a chapter on connections with functional analysis and...
Ransford provides an introduction to the subject, concentrating on the important case of two dimensions, and emphasizing its links with complex analys...
This text on analysis on Riemannian manifolds is a thorough introduction to topics covered in advanced research monographs on Atiyah-Singer index theory. The main theme is the study of heat flow associated to the Laplacians on differential forms. This provides a unified treatment of Hodge theory and the supersymmetric proof of the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem. In particular, there is a careful treatment of the heat kernel for the Laplacian on functions. The author develops the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and its applications (without complete proofs) via the heat equation method. Rosenberg also...
This text on analysis on Riemannian manifolds is a thorough introduction to topics covered in advanced research monographs on Atiyah-Singer index theo...
The classification of algebraic surfaces is an intricate and fascinating branch of mathematics, developed over more than a century and still an active area of research today. In this book, Professor Beauville gives a lucid and concise account of the subject, expressed simply in the language of modern topology and sheaf theory, and accessible to any budding geometer. A chapter on preliminary material ensures that this volume is self-contained while the exercises succeed both in giving the flavor of the classical subject, and in equipping the reader with the techniques needed for research. The...
The classification of algebraic surfaces is an intricate and fascinating branch of mathematics, developed over more than a century and still an active...
The classification of algebraic surfaces is an intricate and fascinating branch of mathematics, developed over more than a century and still an active area of research today. In this book, Professor Beauville gives a lucid and concise account of the subject, expressed simply in the language of modern topology and sheaf theory, and accessible to any budding geometer. A chapter on preliminary material ensures that this volume is self-contained while the exercises succeed both in giving the flavor of the classical subject, and in equipping the reader with the techniques needed for research. The...
The classification of algebraic surfaces is an intricate and fascinating branch of mathematics, developed over more than a century and still an active...
Three of the leading figures in the field have composed this excellent introduction to the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Together these lectures provide an elementary account of the theory that is unsurpassed. In the first part, Roger Carter concentrates on Lie algebras and root systems. In the second Graeme Segal discusses Lie groups. And in the final part, Ian Macdonald gives an introduction to special linear groups. Graduate students requiring an introduction to the theory of Lie groups and their applications should look no further than this book.
Three of the leading figures in the field have composed this excellent introduction to the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Together these lectu...
This text is a self-contained study of expander graphs, specifically, their explicit construction. Expander graphs are highly connected but sparse, and while being of interest within combinatorics and graph theory, they can also be applied to computer science and engineering. Only a knowledge of elementary algebra, analysis and combinatorics is required because the authors provide the necessary background from graph theory, number theory, group theory and representation theory. Thus the text can be used as a brief introduction to these subjects and their synthesis in modern mathematics.
This text is a self-contained study of expander graphs, specifically, their explicit construction. Expander graphs are highly connected but sparse, an...
Based on lectures given at an instructional course, this volume enables readers with a basic knowledge of functional analysis to access key research in the field. The authors survey several areas of current interest, making this volume ideal preparatory reading for students embarking on graduate work as well as for mathematicians working in related areas.
Based on lectures given at an instructional course, this volume enables readers with a basic knowledge of functional analysis to access key research i...
Recent advances in computing and algorithms make it easier to do many classical problems in algebra. Suitable for graduate students, this book brings advanced algebra to life with many examples. The first three chapters provide an introduction to commutative algebra and connections to geometry. The remainder of the book focuses on three active areas of contemporary algebra: homological algebra; algebraic combinatorics and algebraic topology; and algebraic geometry.
Recent advances in computing and algorithms make it easier to do many classical problems in algebra. Suitable for graduate students, this book brings ...
Describing a striking connection between topology and algebra, rather than only proving the theorem, this study demonstrates how the result fits into a more general pattern. Throughout the text emphasis is on the interplay between algebra and topology, with graphical interpretation of algebraic operations, and topological structures described algebraically in terms of generators and relations. Includes numerous exercises and examples.
Describing a striking connection between topology and algebra, rather than only proving the theorem, this study demonstrates how the result fits into ...