This book analyzes the impact of quiescent phases on biological models. Quiescence arises, for example, when moving individuals stop moving, hunting predators take a rest, infected individuals are isolated, or cells enter the quiescent compartment of the cell cycle. In the first chapter of Topics in Mathematical Biology general principles about coupled and quiescent systems are derived, including results on shrinking periodic orbits and stabilization of oscillations via quiescence. In subsequent chapters classical biological models are presented in detail and challenged by the introduction...
This book analyzes the impact of quiescent phases on biological models. Quiescence arises, for example, when moving individuals stop moving, huntin...
This book introduces some basic mathematical tools in reaction-diffusion models, with applications to spatial ecology and evolutionary biology. It is divided into four parts.The first part is an introduction to the maximum principle, the theory of principal eigenvalues for elliptic and periodic-parabolic equations and systems, and the theory of principal Floquet bundles.The second part concerns the applications in spatial ecology. We discuss the dynamics of a single species and two competing species, as well as some recent progress on N competing species in bounded domains. Some related...
This book introduces some basic mathematical tools in reaction-diffusion models, with applications to spatial ecology and evolutionary biology. It is ...