Starting in the middle of the 80s, there has been a growing and fruitful interaction between algebraic geometry and certain areas of theoretical high-energy physics, especially the various versions of string theory. Physical heuristics have provided inspiration for new mathematical definitions (such as that of Gromov-Witten invariants) leading in turn to the solution of problems in enumerative geometry. Conversely, the availability of mathematically rigorous definitions and theorems has benefited the physics research by providing the required evidence in fields where experimental testing...
Starting in the middle of the 80s, there has been a growing and fruitful interaction between algebraic geometry and certain areas of theoretical hi...
CONTENTS: L. Boutet de Monvel: Indice de systemesdifferentiels.- C. De Concini, C. Procesi: Quantum groups.-P. Schapira, J.P. Schneiders: Index theorems forR-constructible sheaves and for D-modules.- N. Berline, M.Vergne: The equivariant Chern character and index ofG-invariant operators.
CONTENTS: L. Boutet de Monvel: Indice de systemesdifferentiels.- C. De Concini, C. Procesi: Quantum groups.-P. Schapira, J.P. Schneiders: Index theore...
Mathematical Control Theory is a branch of Mathematics having as one of its main aims the establishment of a sound mathematical foundation for the c- trol techniques employed in several di?erent ?elds of applications, including engineering, economy, biologyandsoforth. Thesystemsarisingfromthese- plied Sciences are modeled using di?erent types of mathematical formalism, primarily involving Ordinary Di?erential Equations, or Partial Di?erential Equations or Functional Di?erential Equations. These equations depend on oneormoreparameters thatcanbevaried, andthusconstitute thecontrol - pect of the...
Mathematical Control Theory is a branch of Mathematics having as one of its main aims the establishment of a sound mathematical foundation for the c- ...
On the the mathematical aspects of the theory of carrier transport in semiconductor devices. The subjects covered include hydrodynamical models for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle of extended thermodynamics, mathematical theory of drift-diffusion equations with applications, and the methods of asymptotic analysis.
On the the mathematical aspects of the theory of carrier transport in semiconductor devices. The subjects covered include hydrodynamical models for...
This volume compiles three series of lectures on applications of the theory of Hamiltonian systems, contributed by some of the specialists in the field. The aim is to describe the state of the art for some interesting problems, such as the Hamiltonian theory for infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, including KAM theory, the recent extensions of the theory of adiabatic invariants, and the phenomena related to stability over exponentially long times of Nekhoroshev's theory. The books may serve as an excellent basis for young researchers, who will find here a complete and accurate...
This volume compiles three series of lectures on applications of the theory of Hamiltonian systems, contributed by some of the specialists in the f...
This volume aims to disseminate a number of new ideas that have emerged in the last few years in the field of numerical simulation, all bearing the common denominator of the "multiscale" or "multilevel" paradigm. This covers the presence of multiple relevant "scales" in a physical phenomenon; the detection and representation of "structures," localized in space or in frequency, in the solution of a mathematical model; the decomposition of a function into "details" that can be organized and accessed in decreasing order of importance; and the iterative solution of systems of linear algebraic...
This volume aims to disseminate a number of new ideas that have emerged in the last few years in the field of numerical simulation, all bearing the...