The major emphasis of the Dagstuhl Seminar on "Numerical Validation in C- rent Hardware Architectures" lay on numerical validation in current hardware architecturesand softwareenvironments. The generalidea wasto bring together experts who are concerned with computer arithmetic in systems with actual processor architectures and scientists who develop, use, and need techniques from veri?ed computation in their applications. Topics of the seminar therefore included: - The ongoing revision of the IEEE 754/854 standard for ?oating-point ari- metic - Feasible ways to implement multiple precision...
The major emphasis of the Dagstuhl Seminar on "Numerical Validation in C- rent Hardware Architectures" lay on numerical validation in current hardware...
This book and its companion volumes, LNCS vols. 5551, 5552 and 5553, constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2009), held during May 26 29, 2009 in Wuhan, China. Over the past few years, ISNN has matured into a well-established premier international symposium on neural n- works and related fields, with a successful sequence of ISNN symposia held in Dalian (2004), Chongqing (2005), Chengdu (2006), Nanjing (2007), and Beijing (2008). Following the tradition of the ISNN series, ISNN 2009 provided a high-level inter- tional forum for scientists,...
This book and its companion volumes, LNCS vols. 5551, 5552 and 5553, constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Neural Networks ...
This book and its companion volumes, LNCS vols. 5551, 5552 and 5553, constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2009), held during May 26 29, 2009 in Wuhan, China. Over the past few years, ISNN has matured into a well-established premier international symposium on neural n- works and related fields, with a successful sequence of ISNN symposia held in Dalian (2004), Chongqing (2005), Chengdu (2006), Nanjing (2007), and Beijing (2008). Following the tradition of the ISNN series, ISNN 2009 provided a high-level inter- tional forum for scientists,...
This book and its companion volumes, LNCS vols. 5551, 5552 and 5553, constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Neural Networks ...
This book and its companion volumes, LNCS vols. 5551, 5552 and 5553, constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2009), held during May 26-29, 2009 in Wuhan, China. Over the past few years, ISNN has matured into a well-established premier international symposium on neural n- works and related fields, with a successful sequence of ISNN symposia held in Dalian (2004), Chongqing (2005), Chengdu (2006), Nanjing (2007), and Beijing (2008). Following the tradition of the ISNN series, ISNN 2009 provided a high-level inter- tional forum for scientists,...
This book and its companion volumes, LNCS vols. 5551, 5552 and 5553, constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Neural Networks ...
The growing emphasis on complexity concerns for ontologies has attracted signi cant interest from both the researchers' and the practitioners' communities in modularization techniques as a way to decrease the complexity of managing huge ontologies.Researchhasproducedmanycomplementaryandcompetingapproaches, mainly with the goal of supportingpractitioners' methodologieswith sound and p- cisely de nedfoundationsand alternatives.Existing prototypessubstantiate research results and experimental evaluations have been performed. Thus, a large body of work is available. This book has been designed to...
The growing emphasis on complexity concerns for ontologies has attracted signi cant interest from both the researchers' and the practitioners' communi...
The AAECC symposia serieswas started in 1983by Alain Poli (Toulouse), who, together with R. Desq, D. Lazardand P. Camion, organizedthe ?rst conference. OriginallytheacronymAAECCstoodfor"AppliedAlgebraandError-Correcting Codes."Overtheyearsitsmeaninghasshiftedto"AppliedAlgebra, Algebraic- gorithmsandError-CorrectingCodes,"re?ectingthegrowingimportanceofc- plexity, particularlyfor decoding algorithms.During the AAECC-12 symposium the ConferenceCommitteedecidedtoenforcethe theoryandpracticeofthe c- ing side as well as the cryptographic aspects. Algebra was conserved, as in the past, but slightly...
The AAECC symposia serieswas started in 1983by Alain Poli (Toulouse), who, together with R. Desq, D. Lazardand P. Camion, organizedthe ?rst conference...
Continuing Professor Mira's Scienti?c Navigation Professor Jos e Mira passed away during the preparation of this edition of the International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Arti?cial Computation. As a pioneer in the ?eld of cybernetics, he enthusiastically p- moted interdisciplinary research. The term cybernetics stems from the Greek K (kybernetes), which means steersman, governor, or pilot, the same root as government. Cybernetics is a broad ?eld of study, but the essential goal ofcybernetics is to understandandde?ne the functions andprocessesofsystems that have goals,...
Continuing Professor Mira's Scienti?c Navigation Professor Jos e Mira passed away during the preparation of this edition of the International Work-Con...
Continuing Professor Mira's Scienti?c Navigation Professor Jos e Mira passed away during the preparation of this edition of the International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Arti?cial Computation. As a pioneer in the ?eld of cybernetics, he enthusiastically p- moted interdisciplinary research. The term cybernetics stems from the Greek K (kybernetes), which means steersman, governor, or pilot, the same root as government. Cybernetics is a broad ?eld of study, but the essential goal ofcybernetics is to understandandde?ne the functions andprocessesofsystems that have goals,...
Continuing Professor Mira's Scienti?c Navigation Professor Jos e Mira passed away during the preparation of this edition of the International Work-Con...
The Third International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW 2009), held during June 20-23,2009 at Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China, continued to provide a focused forum on current trends in research on algori- mics, includingdiscretestructures, andtheirapplications.We aimatstimulating the various ?elds for which algorithmics can become a crucial enabler, and to strengthenthe ties between the Easternand Westernalgorithmicsresearchc- munities as well as theory and practice of algorithmics. We had three distinguished invited speakers: Guoliang Chen, Andrew Chi- Chih Yao...
The Third International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW 2009), held during June 20-23,2009 at Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, Ch...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA 2009, held in Brasilia, Brazil in July 2008 in conjunction with RTA 2007, the 19th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications as part of RDP 2009, the 5th International Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming. The 27 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. The papers present original research results that are broadly relevant to the theory and...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA 2009, held in Brasil...