The AAECC symposia serieswas started in 1983by Alain Poli (Toulouse), who, together with R. Desq, D. Lazardand P. Camion, organizedthe ?rst conference. OriginallytheacronymAAECCstoodfor"AppliedAlgebraandError-Correcting Codes."Overtheyearsitsmeaninghasshiftedto"AppliedAlgebra, Algebraic- gorithmsandError-CorrectingCodes,"re?ectingthegrowingimportanceofc- plexity, particularlyfor decoding algorithms.During the AAECC-12 symposium the ConferenceCommitteedecidedtoenforcethe theoryandpracticeofthe c- ing side as well as the cryptographic aspects. Algebra was conserved, as in the past, but slightly...
The AAECC symposia serieswas started in 1983by Alain Poli (Toulouse), who, together with R. Desq, D. Lazardand P. Camion, organizedthe ?rst conference...