Knowledge of production cross sections for radionuclides and medium energies (10 MeV to 100 GeV) of the incident particles gains more and more importance, not only for nuclear physics, but also for applications in astrophysics, radiation protection, medicine, industry, etc. In the present subvolume production cross sections of radioisotopes by medium energetic alpha-particles are presented in tables and figures for targets from strontium to californium. The origin of the authors made it possible to include data from Russia and other Eastern European countries which sometimes are not easy to...
Knowledge of production cross sections for radionuclides and medium energies (10 MeV to 100 GeV) of the incident particles gains more and more importa...
Interactions of photons and electrons with atoms, molecules, and ions are fundamental elementary processes in a wide variety of neutral or ionized gases in nature or laboratory. The data on the cross sections or related quantities for those processes are eagerly needed in many fields of application such as astrophysics, atmospheric science, plasma science, radiation physics and chemistry, etc. They are also important in understanding physical or chemical properties of atoms, molecules, and their ions. Volume I/17 provides cross section data and related quantitative information on the...
Interactions of photons and electrons with atoms, molecules, and ions are fundamental elementary processes in a wide variety of neutral or ionized gas...
Volume IV/18 is divided into two subvolumes. Subvolume IV/18 A contains the viscosities of pure organometallic and organononmetallic liquids and binary liquid mixtures. Subvolume IV/18 B contains the viscosities of pure organic liquids. The author and the editor have decided to establish selected data by avoiding long lists of viscosities for one system with respect to the printed version of this volume. The electronic version provided on the CD-ROM contains the complete data. The calculation, interpretation and prediction of the physical quantities of moving particles and liquids need...
Volume IV/18 is divided into two subvolumes. Subvolume IV/18 A contains the viscosities of pure organometallic and organononmetallic liquids and binar...
Vols. III/17a-i and III/22a, b (supplement) on semiconductor physics and technology have been published earlier, the latter covering new data on the technologically important group IV elements and III-V, II-VI and I-VII compounds only. The wealth of further data from the last decade is now being critically evaluated by over 30 well-known experts in the field of semiconductors. To meet the demands of todays scientists and to offer a complete overview on semiconductor data all data available so far are published in the following way: a series of five subvolumes covers only the supplementary...
Vols. III/17a-i and III/22a, b (supplement) on semiconductor physics and technology have been published earlier, the latter covering new data on the t...
Vols. III/17a-i and III/22a, b (supplement) on semiconductor physics and technology have been published earlier, the latter covering new data on the technologically important group IV elements and III-V, II-VI and I-VII compounds only. The wealth of further data from the last decade is now being critically evaluated by over 30 well-known experts in the field of semiconductors. To meet the demands of todays scientists and to offer a complete overview on semiconductor data all data available so far are published in the following way: a series of seven subvolumes covers only the supplementary...
Vols. III/17a-i and III/22a, b (supplement) on semiconductor physics and technology have been published earlier, the latter covering new data on the t...
Thermodynamic properties of fluids are vital information for design, operation and maintenance in the fluid processing or continuous manufacturing industries. Among the thermodynamic properties, some are more important and pervasive with vapor pressure being possibly the most important of all. Practical handling of any fluid requires knowledge of its vapor pressure, and vapor pressure (or boiling point) is invariably among the first properties measured for any substance. These volumes should be of value to professionals in a wide variety of commercial and academic activities because they...
Thermodynamic properties of fluids are vital information for design, operation and maintenance in the fluid processing or continuous manufacturing ind...
Volume III/27 deals with magnetic properties of non-metallic inorganic compounds based on transition metal elements such as pnictides, chalcogenides, halides, borates, silicates and phosphates. Subvolume 27B covers the magnetic and related properties of lanthanide pnictides and chalcogenides (except oxides). During the last decades considerable progress in the research of these families of substances has been made. The data have been compiled in several parts. Parts B1 (Monopnictides) and B2 (Monochalcogenides) were published in 1998, the present Part B3 covers the binary polypnictides...
Volume III/27 deals with magnetic properties of non-metallic inorganic compounds based on transition metal elements such as pnictides, chalcogenides, ...
Data on the densities of organic compounds are essential for both scientific and industrial applications. Knowledge of densities is important in many areas, including custody transfer of materials, product specification, development of various predictive methods, and for characterizing compounds and estimating their purity. The densities of alcohols were collected from the original literature published from 1870, to early 1998 and critically evaluated. The tables contain the original literature data along with their estimated uncertainties, and the evaluated data, in both numerical form and...
Data on the densities of organic compounds are essential for both scientific and industrial applications. Knowledge of densities is important in many ...
The properties of nuclear levels and transitions between them are important not only for nuclear physicists. The collective phenomena in nuclei are of general interest since they represent a many-body system with more then two particles, but much fewer then in condensed matter problems. However, the knowledge of properties of nuclei are equally relevant to applications in technology (e.g. transmutation of elements) or medicine and also to astrophysics. This volume, I/18A is the first of three volumes dedicated to the energy levels and structure of nuclei, covering the light nuclei with Z<=36....
The properties of nuclear levels and transitions between them are important not only for nuclear physicists. The collective phenomena in nuclei are of...
This index is a guide to organic compounds which have material constants of general interest described in the Landolt Bornstein New Series. Compiled are volumes containing molecular constants, density, surface tension, dielectric con-stants, refractive index, vapor pressure, phase transition temperatures and transition enthalpies. All compounds are given with the drawing of the chemical structure, the molecular formula, chemical names, the Chemical Abstracts Registration numbers (CAS-RN) and references to all the Landolt Bornstein citations, including their use in binary mixtures. A general...
This index is a guide to organic compounds which have material constants of general interest described in the Landolt Bornstein New Series. Compiled a...