On behalf of the organizing committee of this symposium, I would like to wel come you to Cologne and thank you very much for coming. We appreciate that some of the leading scientists in the field of hypertension have accepted our invi tation to participate actively at this conference. Our first symposium on renin-angiotensin, aldosterone, and hypertension took place at Titisee in the Black Forest in 1967. The second one, on the renin-angio tensin-aldosterone system under the influence of therapeutic procedures, was held at the same place in 1970. Five years later in 1975 at a third symposium...
On behalf of the organizing committee of this symposium, I would like to wel come you to Cologne and thank you very much for coming. We appreciate tha...
H. RoSKAMM This International Symposium to be held on the occasion of the third anniversary of our institution and under the auspices of the European Society of Cardiology is entitled "Ventricular Function at Rest and During Exercise." We have chosen the general term "ventricular function," because we want to include the different aspects of myocardial function like contrac tility, relaxation and compliance and their influence upon the overall pumping function of the heart. Heart failure at rest is a rather advanced outcome of a continuous spectrum of function disturbances. In order to grade...
H. RoSKAMM This International Symposium to be held on the occasion of the third anniversary of our institution and under the auspices of the European ...
In spite of old vintage and 200 years of clinical use, digitalis remains an interesting therapeutic agent, to clinicians as well as to the pharmacologist, the biochemist, and colleagues in other diciplines of theoretic medicine. When a drug, however, has so many attractive facets, it seems proper and aJvis able for the success of a scientific meeting to focus on a number of well-defined aspects. This symposium was devoted to pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, analytic procedures, blood level determinations, and their interpretation both for thera peutic and toxic situations. Considerable...
In spite of old vintage and 200 years of clinical use, digitalis remains an interesting therapeutic agent, to clinicians as well as to the pharmacolog...
The nitrates have remarkable clinical effects that have stood the test of time in the management of ischemic heart disease. What is unusual about this class of com pounds is that, after many years of clinical use, we are still exploring new avenues as to the vascular mechanisms of their effect, their applications in treating other clini cal conditions, and the development of products with more favorable pharmacoki netic properties. This volume represents the proceedings of a symposium held June 14-16, 1984, in Montreux. The papers were selected to explore the current state of knowledge re...
The nitrates have remarkable clinical effects that have stood the test of time in the management of ischemic heart disease. What is unusual about this...
Systolic time intervals (STI), known for a long time, were revived in the early 1960s by Arnold Weissler. The first important papers came from him; they eval- uated STI measurements in larger populations, established norms, and compared STI measurements with other invasive methods. Since then, several hundred ex- cellent papers have appeared using and evaluating STI measurements for myo- cardial function studies. These have appeared in prominent cardiologic journals throughout the world as well as in the anesthesiologic and pediatric medical literature. When consent of subjects to medical...
Systolic time intervals (STI), known for a long time, were revived in the early 1960s by Arnold Weissler. The first important papers came from him; th...
More than 10 years have passed since the memorable symposium on "Myocardial Contractility," edited by R. D. Tanz, F. Kavaler and J. Roberts (New York and London, Academic Press, 1967). PathogeneSis of myocardial failure still involves many questions. The latest scien tific findings on fundamentals of myocardial contraction encouraged us to organize this international symposium held in Rottach-Egern at Tegernsee (Germany), June 17 to 19, 1976 sponsored by the European Society of Cardio ogy. It seemed appropriate to assemble prominent workers in this field in an attempt to correlate their...
More than 10 years have passed since the memorable symposium on "Myocardial Contractility," edited by R. D. Tanz, F. Kavaler and J. Roberts (New York ...
Hypertensive heart disease is one of the most frequent diseases in man. It is esti mated that there are six to eight million hypertensive patients in the Federal Re public of Germany today. This corresponds with an incidence of 10%-15% in the whole population. Approximately between three and four million show organic eardiac manifestations of hypertension. Of all deaths occurring before the age of 65,30%-40% are attributable to hypertension, and the total morta lity from hypertension is about 20%-25%. Recent epidemiological and clini cal studies have revealed similar figures for other...
Hypertensive heart disease is one of the most frequent diseases in man. It is esti mated that there are six to eight million hypertensive patients in ...