This volume documents the progress of application and theory of Petri Nets since the Advanced Course on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, held in Hamburg, October 8-19, 1979, This course presen ted in detail wha t had been achieved in this area since the first studies of concurrent systems 20 years ago, After this course it seemed worthwhile to establish a co-operation between different groups working in the field of Petri N ets, The starting points were the AFCET Special Interest Group Systemes Paralleles et Distribues and the Gl Special Interest Group Petrinetze und verwandte...
This volume documents the progress of application and theory of Petri Nets since the Advanced Course on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, h...
This volume presents a selection of papers presented at the 3rd European Workshop on Appl ications and Theory of Petri Nets that took place in Villa Monastero, Varenna (Italy) in the period September 27 - September 30, 1982. The I ist of topics included: nets and related models, mathematical analysis of nets, transformations and morphisms of nets, formal languages and nets, parallel program verification and nets, the pro blem of time in nets, programming languages based on nets, applications to distributed systems, applications to realtime systems, software gineering, hardware design and its...
This volume presents a selection of papers presented at the 3rd European Workshop on Appl ications and Theory of Petri Nets that took place in Villa M...
Al1e fehlertoleranten Systeme erfordern den Einsatz redundanter Hardwarekom- ponenten. Solche Systeme bestehen aus zwei oder mehreren autonomen Verarbeitungs- einheiten mit Processoren, Speichern und peripheren Geraten. Fehlertolerante Systeme werden unterschieden, o inwieweit die redundante Hardware im Normalbetrieb zusatzliche Rechenleistung erbringt o und wieviel Wissen beim Programmieren erforderlich ist, um fehlertolerante Pro- gramme zu schreiben. Mittlerweile haben sich zwei Methoden herauskristallisiert, die einen fehlertole- ranten Systembetrieb ermoglichen: 1m hardwareorientierten...
Al1e fehlertoleranten Systeme erfordern den Einsatz redundanter Hardwarekom- ponenten. Solche Systeme bestehen aus zwei oder mehreren autonomen Verarb...
1m Februar 1980 diskutierten Wissenschaftler, Manager, Arbeitnehmervertreter und 8e troffene im Rahmen ei nes Kongresses der Gesell schaft fur Informat ike. V. in Kasse 1 die Frage "Fortschritt der Computer - Computer fUr den Fortschritt?" vor allem unter dem Bl ickwinkel, welche "Erfahrungen mit der Informationstechnologie in der Arbeits wel til gemacht worden sind, welche Wirkungen beim Einsatz dieser Technologie entste hen und wie die Betroffenen zu Beteil igten an der Entwickl ung (betriebl icher) In formationssysteme werden konnen. Wenn im Sommer 1986 das Thema "Arbeit und...
1m Februar 1980 diskutierten Wissenschaftler, Manager, Arbeitnehmervertreter und 8e troffene im Rahmen ei nes Kongresses der Gesell schaft fur Informa...
In den Anfangen der Mustererkennung gehorte die Erkennung von hand- und ma schinengedruckten Schriftzeichen zu den Standardanwendungen und -testbereichen von Algorithmen. Inzwischen gibt es fUr dieses Anwendungsgebiet eine Reihe von kommerziellen Geraten. Mit zunehmenden AnsprUchen in der BUroautomati sierung und mit zunehmender Leistungsfahigkeit und Komplexitat der in der Muster erkennung eingesetzten Verfahren hat sich nun das Interesse der automatischen Verarbeitung weitgehend uneingeschrankter Dokumente zugewendet, die in beliebiger Anordnung und Verschachtelung Text-, Graphik- und...
In den Anfangen der Mustererkennung gehorte die Erkennung von hand- und ma schinengedruckten Schriftzeichen zu den Standardanwendungen und -testbereic...
Equator is software designed to generate numerical values of over 200 mathematical functions in common use by engineers, scientists and others. Among the functions made available are simple ones such as cosines and binomial coefficients, as well as more complex examples such as Bessel functions and elliptic integrals.
The Windows-based Equator software is available as an integral part of the book An Atlas of Functions, Second Edition, although its utility is not limited to users of this book. The Atlas is available in both print and electronic...
Equator is software designed to generate numerical values of over 200 mathematical functions in common use by engineers, scientists and ot...
The accelerated development of faster and cheaper electronic components faces the software designer with new challenges. One of them is to predict the viability of current architecture and the performance of current operating systems on CPUs able to operate at instruction-per-second rates about one order of magnitude higher than those available today. For this task we need to understand not only the principle of such an operating system but also the detailed mechanics and the scenario of actions determined by the random occurence of asynchronous events. Also we want to understand how this...
The accelerated development of faster and cheaper electronic components faces the software designer with new challenges. One of them is to predict the...
In the last decade of Computer Science development, we can observe a growing interest in fault-tolerant computing. This interest is the result of a rising number of appl'ications where reliable operation of computing systems is an essential requirement. Besides basic research in the field of fault-tolerant computing, there is an increasing num ber of systems especially designed to achieve fault-tolerance. It is the objective of this conference to offer a survey of present research and development activities in these areas. The second GI/NTG/GM Conference on Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems...
In the last decade of Computer Science development, we can observe a growing interest in fault-tolerant computing. This interest is the result of a ri...