This research investigated new approaches to control anaerobic methane oxidation coupled to sulfate reduction (AOM-SR) and enrich anaerobic methanotrophs (ANME) and sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) with the purpose of designing a suitable bioreactor for AOM-SR at ambient pressure and temperature. The current knowledge about AOM and the microorganisms involved in AOM are discussed. The effect of different substrates and pressures was investigated on the ANME and SRB community adapted to the shallow marine Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands. Further, microorganisms from the Alpha Mound (Spain)...
This research investigated new approaches to control anaerobic methane oxidation coupled to sulfate reduction (AOM-SR) and enrich anaerobic methano...
Human beings strongly depend on the sustainable availability of resources, such as food, water and energy. The continued supply of these resources can only be assured by sustainable land uses but these are easily threatened by inappropriate human activities. Human behavior is intermingled with hydrological, biogeochemical, atmospheric and ecological processes through land use and land cover change (LULCC). LULCC is a locally pervasive and globally significant environmental trend and has become a process of paramount importance to the study of global environmental change. This thesis...
Human beings strongly depend on the sustainable availability of resources, such as food, water and energy. The continued supply of these resources can...
The aim of this book is to contribute to understanding risk knowledge and to forecasting components of early flood warning, particularly in the environment of tropical high mountains in developing cities. This research covers a challenge, taking into account the persistent lack of data, limited resources and often complex climatic, hydrologic and hydraulic conditions. In this research, a regional method is proposed for assessing flash flood susceptibility and for identifying debris flow predisposition at the watershed scale. An indication of hazard is obtained from the flash flood...
The aim of this book is to contribute to understanding risk knowledge and to forecasting components of early flood warning, particularly in the enviro...
Estuaries are natural highly dynamic and rapidly changing systems, comprising a complex combination of physical processes on many different time- and space- scales. The research conducted a systematic study on the topic of fine sediment physical processes in a meso-tidal convergent alluvial estuary. By means of multi-approaches (field survey, laboratory experiment and numerical modeling) and from multi-angles (data-driven analysis and process-based modeling) we highlight that multiscale (including micro- and macro- scale) physical processes jointly characterize the current and sediment regime...
Estuaries are natural highly dynamic and rapidly changing systems, comprising a complex combination of physical processes on many different time- and ...
Modelling urban flood dynamics requires proper handling of a number of complex urban features. Although high-resolution topographic data can nowadays be obtained from aerial LiDAR surveys, such top-view LiDAR data still have difficulties to represent some key components of urban features. Incorrectly representing features like underpasses through buildings or apparent blockage of flow by sky trains may lead to misrepresentation of actual flood propagation, which could easily result in inadequate flood-protection measures. Hence proper handling of urban features plays an important role in...
Modelling urban flood dynamics requires proper handling of a number of complex urban features. Although high-resolution topographic data can nowadays ...
The field of ecohydraulics integrates hydrodynamic and eco-dynamic processes. While hydrodynamic processes are usually well described by partial differential equations (PDE’s) based on physical conservation principles, ecosystem dynamics often involve specific interactions at the local scale. Because of this, Cellular Automata (CA) are a viable paradigm in ecosystem modelling. All cells in a CA system update their states synchronously at discrete steps according to simple local rules. The classical CA configuration consists of uniformly distributed cells on a structured grid. But in the...
The field of ecohydraulics integrates hydrodynamic and eco-dynamic processes. While hydrodynamic processes are usually well described by partial diffe...
This study was built to investigate the impact of subsurface drainage on iron toxicity in Tropical Savannah irrigated rice valley bottoms. The research leaned upon two complementary approaches: field investigations and designed experiments. Important results, covering several fields, where achieved. For example, It appeared that single-season irrigation schemes present higher iron toxicity and acidity risks than double-season ones – 750 up to 1800 mg/l of Fe2+ higher in the single-season scheme of Moussodougou than in the double-season scheme of Tiefora. Furthermore, a statistical analysis...
This study was built to investigate the impact of subsurface drainage on iron toxicity in Tropical Savannah irrigated rice valley bottoms. The researc...
Fluctuation in rainfall in Ogun-Osun River Basin, Nigeria in the recent times is a challenge to crop production. Therefore, agronomic practices need to be designed to improve water productivity under rainfed conditions. Improving water productivity requires vapour shift or transfer whereby soil physical conditions, soil fertility, crop varieties and agronomy are applied in tandem and managed to shift the evaporation into useful transpiration by plants. Water conservation practices: Tied ridge, Mulch, Soil bund, Tied ridge plus Soil bund, Tied ridge plus Mulch, Mulch plus Soil bund and Direct...
Fluctuation in rainfall in Ogun-Osun River Basin, Nigeria in the recent times is a challenge to crop production. Therefore, agronomic practices need t...
Urban flood risks and their impacts are expected to increase as urban development in flood prone areas continues and rain intensity increases as a result of climate change while aging drainage infrastructures limit the drainage capacity in existing urban areas. Flood mitigation strategies are required as part of sound urban flood management plans to assess flood risk and identify technically feasible and cost-effective options to reduce the risk. Central to the development of flood mitigation strategies is the efficient prediction of flood propagation characteristics in urban areas. Detailed...
Urban flood risks and their impacts are expected to increase as urban development in flood prone areas continues and rain intensity increases as a res...
The Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process is a biological process for efficient phosphate removal from wastewaters through intracellular storage of polyphosphate by Phosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAO) and subsequent removal through wastage of excess sludge. Although many studies have demonstrated the existence of different PAO clades, the functional differences among these clades and potential implications for the process performance remained unclear. Furthermore, the salinity effects on the EBPR process had not been properly investigated, which is necessary to assess its...
The Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process is a biological process for efficient phosphate removal from wastewaters through intracellul...