Buzz dreams about Frankenfly--but Fly Guy is a friend, not a monster In the latest installment of the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling Fly Guy series, Buzz and Fly Guy spend a day together playing some spooky games and doing arts and crafts projects. When Buzz goes to bed, Fly Guy stays awake and is "bizzie" Buzz has a nightmare that a gigantic Frankenfly monster is out to get him But when he wakes up, all he sees is Fly Guy, who fell asleep making posters showing that he and Buzz are best friends. The wacky dream scene involving Frankenfly is fun and hilarious, not scary. Buzz awakens...
Buzz dreams about Frankenfly--but Fly Guy is a friend, not a monster In the latest installment of the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling Fly Guy series, ...
When Buzz and his family have dinner in a fancy hotel's restaurant, Fly Guy isn't allowed in. After searching through the hotel's trash, Fly Guy smells a wonderful aroma coming from the restaurant's kitchen. Fly Guy causes some messy mayhem in the restaurant, and in the end, everyone needs a bath Buzz y su familia van a cenar en el restaurante de un elegante hotel donde no dejan entrar a Hombre Mosca. Despues de revisar la basura del hotel, Hombre Mosca detecta el delicioso aroma que sale de la cocina del restaurante. Hombre Mosca causa un gran alboroto y un enorme reguero en el...
When Buzz and his family have dinner in a fancy hotel's restaurant, Fly Guy isn't allowed in. After searching through the hotel's trash, Fly Guy smell...
When Fly Guy goes to school with Buzz, they learn that his class is taking a field trip to a flyswatter factory BAD NEWZZ Fly Guy tries to hide in Buzz's pocket, but when the tour guide starts insulting flies, Buzz cannot help but stick his head out. A robotic flyswatter named the Super Swatter detects Fly Guy, and Fly Guy causes a hilarious ruckus in his efforts to escape.
At the end of this zany adventure, the flyswatter factory announces an end to its factory tours and the students use their free flyswatters as art to celebrate the "best field trip ever...
When Fly Guy goes to school with Buzz, they learn that his class is taking a field trip to a flyswatter factory BAD NEWZZ Fly Guy tries to hide in B...