In 1978, Fritz Markwardt edited Fibrinolytics and Antifibrinolytics, vol. 46 of the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology series. Since then tremendous strides have been made in our understanding of the pathophysiology of the fibrinolytic system, of myocardial infarction and of stroke. r am very grateful to the contributors to this new edition of Fibrinolytics and Antifibrinolytics, all outstanding scientists and/or clinicians in their field. They have succeeded in presenting an up-to-date account of basic aspects of the fibrinolytic system, of both older and new thrombolytic agents, and have...
In 1978, Fritz Markwardt edited Fibrinolytics and Antifibrinolytics, vol. 46 of the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology series. Since then tremendou...
This work is concerned with a group of proteins which were originally consid- ered to be an esoteric phenomenon but which have now been shown to play critical roles both in normal and stressed cells as well as being involved in a variety of human diseases. It is the purpose of this work to give a comprehen- sive view of these proteins and their various aspects. After an introductory chapter providing an overview of these proteins, the work is divided into four main sections each of which deals with one important aspect of these proteins. Thus, the first section contains a series of chapters...
This work is concerned with a group of proteins which were originally consid- ered to be an esoteric phenomenon but which have now been shown to play ...
Une decouverte scientifique . . . n'est ja mais l'reuvre d'un seul homme et chacun de ceux qui y ont concouru lui ont donne bien des veilles. Louis Pasteur Traditionally every volume of the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology is expected to give a comprehensive account of the topic it is devoted to. This is a relatively easy task if the subject has a short history, but if the problems in question have been worked on for half a century or longer the feasibility of integral coverage becomes questionable. In such cases more attention is usually given to the literature of the last decades,...
Une decouverte scientifique . . . n'est ja mais l'reuvre d'un seul homme et chacun de ceux qui y ont concouru lui ont donne bien des veilles. Louis Pa...
Um den Umfang der vorliegenden Monographie in ertraglichen Grenzen zu halten und eine groere Ubersichtlichkeit zu wahren, wurden von der Literatur bis zum Jahre 1940 nur diejenigen Arbeiten besprochen, die wesentliches zur Pharmakologie des Morphin beitrugen und auch heute noch Geltung besitzen. Diese Beschrankung war um so eher moglich, als in der ausgezeichneten Mono- graphie von KRUEGER, EDDY und SUMWALT aus dem Jahr 1941 "The pharmacology of the opium alcaloids" die Weltliteratur bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt fast luckenlos gesammelt und kritisch besprochen worden ist. Dagegen wurde die...
Um den Umfang der vorliegenden Monographie in ertraglichen Grenzen zu halten und eine groere Ubersichtlichkeit zu wahren, wurden von der Literatur bis...
State-of-the-Art Chirality Stereochemistry in general and chirality in particular have long been recog- nized as major structural factors influencing pharmacological activity and pharmacokinetic behavior. For more than a century, relevant information in these fields has been accumulating at an accelerating pace, leading to rationalizations, concepts and theories of increasing breadth and depth. Frequently, fundamental advances in stereochemical aspects of molecular pharmacology, drug disposition and pharmacochemistry have been translated into corresponding progress in clinical pharmacology...
State-of-the-Art Chirality Stereochemistry in general and chirality in particular have long been recog- nized as major structural factors influencing ...
In spite of a "war on drugs" that spans years, and in spite of increases in law enforcement efforts and to a lesser extent treatment, substance abuse and dependence continue. While the number of people who experiment with drugs has decreased in recent years, those who use drugs repeatedly, per- haps several times a week, a measure of "hard core" drug abusers, has not changed, and emergency room visits associated with substances abuse continues to rise. Considering both licit and illicit drug abuse, the number of drug abusers in, for example, the United States is very large and, accordingly,...
In spite of a "war on drugs" that spans years, and in spite of increases in law enforcement efforts and to a lesser extent treatment, substance abuse ...
The most important development in studies of the metabolic effects of anes- thetics has been the recent demonstration that anesthetics may alter the rate of transport of metabolites across biologic membranes. The membranes affected include cell membranes as well as mitochondrial membranes. Inhalation anesthe- tics generally have little effect on glycolysis but may sigrllficantly alter oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial oxygen consumption. The direct effects of anesthetics on cell metabolism may be overshadowed in vitro by secondary effects anesthetics exert on endocrine balance,...
The most important development in studies of the metabolic effects of anes- thetics has been the recent demonstration that anesthetics may alter the r...
This volume deals specifically with those antituberculosis drugs which passed the preclinical phase and have been or are used in the treatment of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases (except leprosy) in at least some parts of the world. Despite this restriction, there are 14 such drugs, and as a result this volume has reached rather large proportions. To prevent it from becoming even larger and more unwidely, most derivatives of antituberculotics have been omitted, especially where it is claimed that they provide only better bioavailibility or tolerability. Only in the chapter on the...
This volume deals specifically with those antituberculosis drugs which passed the preclinical phase and have been or are used in the treatment of tube...
"Der wichtigste Schritt in der Fortentwicklung aller Naturwissenschaften ist mit der Einfuhrung der Messung von Groen gemacht worden. " (J. C. MAXWELL, Theorie der Warme, Dt. uber- setzung nach der 4. Aufl., 1877) Die Analyse des Elektrolyt- und Wasserhaushaltes bei Patienten mit generali- sierten Odemen hat ergeben, da die Unfahigkeit des Organismus, die mit der Nahrung zugefuhrten Natriumionen quantitativ zu eliminieren, ein gemeinsames Merkmal dieser Erkrankungen ist. Die Ansammlung von Wasser im extracellularen Raum ist lediglich die Folge dieser Natriumretention. Der Anteil der Niere an...
"Der wichtigste Schritt in der Fortentwicklung aller Naturwissenschaften ist mit der Einfuhrung der Messung von Groen gemacht worden. " (J. C. MAXWELL...
Das Leichtmetall Beryllium und seine Verbindungen wurden bisher im "Hand buch der experimentellen Pharmakologie" noch nicht bearbeitet, da experimen telle Untersuchungen erst seit ca. 1933 aufgrundvon gewerblichen Schadigungen durchgefuhrt wurden. Diese Untersuchungen hatten alle im wesentlichen das Ziel, die Wirkungen des Beryllium und seiner Verbindungen im Organismus zu verfolgen, um die Pathogenese der Beryllium-Erkrankungen beim Menschen fest zustellen und uber die Gefahrlichkeit dieses Elementes fur die Menschen etwas aussagen zu konnen. Aus diesem Grund werden in den folgenden...
Das Leichtmetall Beryllium und seine Verbindungen wurden bisher im "Hand buch der experimentellen Pharmakologie" noch nicht bearbeitet, da experimen t...