VI Jahren sichtlich immer mehr, insbesondere auch im Auslande, zur Gel tung. Aber nicht minder ist meine Dberzeugung (was ich nie unter lassen babe, hinzuzuftigen), daB ein solcher Unterricht, entsprechend der heutigen Entwickelung der Wissenschaft, ftir die Ausbildung der Fachmathematiker auf der Oberstufe nicht gentigt, daB hier vielmehr neben den Tatsachen der Anschauung die zentrale Bedeutung des modernen Zahlbegriffs und der weitgehenden mit ihm zusammen hangenden Entwickelungen hervortreten muB. Und nun vermisse ich in den Lehrbtichern und Vorlesungen, welche ich kenne, die Uber leitung...
VI Jahren sichtlich immer mehr, insbesondere auch im Auslande, zur Gel tung. Aber nicht minder ist meine Dberzeugung (was ich nie unter lassen babe, h...
From the reviews: "The huge literature in risk theory has been carefully selected and supplemented by personal contributions of the author, many of which appear here for the first time. The result is a systematic and very readable book, which takes into account the most recent developments of the field. It will be of great interest to the actuary as well as to the statistician who wants to become familiar with the subject." Math. Reviews Vol. 43 "It is a book of fundamental importance for all interested in the application or teaching of the subject and a significant addition...
From the reviews: "The huge literature in risk theory has been carefully selected and supplemented by personal contributions of the author, ma...
1. Innere Produkte Wir fUhren im Ramne ein kartesisches Koordinatensystem ein, dessen Achsen so orientiert sind, wie das in der Fig. 1 angedeutet ist. Die drei Koordinaten eines Punktes bezeichnen wir mit XI, X, x Alle betrach 2 3 teten Punkte setzen wir, falls nicht ausdrucklich etwas anderes gesagt wird, als reell voraus. Xz Xl Fig.1. Zwei in bestimmter Reihenfolge angeordnete Punkte und t) des Raumes mit den Koordinaten XI' X, x3 und YI' Y2, Y3 bestimmen eine 2 von nach t) fuhrende gerichtete Strecke. Zwei zu den Punktepaaren, t) und i, gehOrende gerichtete Strecken sind dann und nur dann...
1. Innere Produkte Wir fUhren im Ramne ein kartesisches Koordinatensystem ein, dessen Achsen so orientiert sind, wie das in der Fig. 1 angedeutet ist....
The first edition of this book, published in German, came into being as the result of lectures which the authors held over a period of several years since 1953 at the Universities of Helsinki and Zurich. The Introduction, which follows, provides information on what moti vated our presentation of an absolute, coordinate- and dimension-free infinitesimal calculus. Little previous knowledge is presumed of the reader. It can be recom mended to students familiar with the usual structure, based on co ordinates, of the elements of analytic geometry, differential and integral calculus and of the...
The first edition of this book, published in German, came into being as the result of lectures which the authors held over a period of several years s...
Comprehensive and state-of-the art study of the basic concepts and principles of variational analysis and generalized differentiation in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces
Presents numerous applications to problems in the optimization, equilibria, stability and sensitivity, control theory, economics, mechanics, etc.
Comprehensive and state-of-the art study of the basic concepts and principles of variational analysis and generalized differentiation in both finit...
Comprehensive and state-of-the art study of the basic concepts and principles of variational analysis and generalized differentiation in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces
Presents numerous applications to problems in the optimization, equilibria, stability and sensitivity, control theory, economics, mechanics, etc.
Comprehensive and state-of-the art study of the basic concepts and principles of variational analysis and generalized differentiation in both finit...
Therandom-clustermodelwasinventedbyCees Kees]FortuinandPietKasteleyn around 1969 as a uni?cation of percolation, Ising, and Potts models, and as an extrapolation of electrical networks. Their original motivation was to harmonize the series and parallel laws satis?ed by such systems. In so doing, they initiated a study in stochastic geometry which has exhibited beautiful structure in its own right, and which has become a central tool in the pursuit of one of the oldest challenges of classical statistical mechanics, namely to model and analyse the ferromagnet and especially its phase...
Therandom-clustermodelwasinventedbyCees Kees]FortuinandPietKasteleyn around 1969 as a uni?cation of percolation, Ising, and Potts models, and as an ex...
The present book deals with some basic problems of Approximation Theory: with properties of polynomials and splines, with approximation by poly- mials, splines, linear operators. It also provides the necessary material ab out different function spaces. In some sense, this is a modern version of the corre- sponding parts of the book of one of us (Lorentz A-1966]). We have tried to give a complete exposition of the main, basic theorems of the theory, without going into too much detail, treating the most general cases or discussing very special problems. There are essential limitations: this is...
The present book deals with some basic problems of Approximation Theory: with properties of polynomials and splines, with approximation by poly- mials...
This book covers the fundamentals of convex analysis, a refinement of standard calculus with equalities and approximations replaced by inequalities. Reviews minimization algorithms, which provide immediate application to optimization and operations research.
This book covers the fundamentals of convex analysis, a refinement of standard calculus with equalities and approximations replaced by inequalities. R...