This guide will help you identify-quickly and easily-the birds you are most likely to see. It tells you:
What to look for Where and when to look How to attract birds
Range maps show where each bird is found, and handy tables at the back of the book contain a wealth of additional information about migration, eggs, nests, and food. This is the perfect bird book for beginners at any age.
This guide will help you identify-quickly and easily-the birds you are most likely to see. It tells you:
This handy guide to the most common, important and showy North American insects will help the novice begin a fascinating study. Includes: A key to insect groups Mature and immature forms How insects grow and develop and what they eat How to find and observe them
Full color pictures, nontechnical language, and up-to-date range maps make this a gem of a guide for beginners at any age.
Enjoy and Learn Expert Knowledge Easy-to-Read
This handy guide to the most common, important and showy North American insects will h...
This guide describes and illustrates, in full color, the plants and animals that live in or near ponds, lakes, streams, and wetlands. It includes surface-dwelling creatures as well as those of open water, the bottom, and the shore and tells how various animals and plants live together in a community. Plus suggestions for: Where and when to look Observing and collecting specimens Making exciting discoveries
This guide describes and illustrates, in full color, the plants and animals that live in or near ponds, lakes, streams, and wetlands. It includes s...
This guide to the snakes, frogs, turtles, and salamanders of North America aids in the identification of 212 species. Learn:
- How to tell the difference between reptiles and amphibians - How and where to find them - How to separate fact from fable
"Reptiles and Amphibians" includes full-color illustrations, up-to-date range maps, and a host of fascinating facts about these interesting and unusual animals.
Using clear text and detailed illustrations, Golden Guides from St. Martin's Press present accurate information in a handy format for the beginner to the expert. These...
This guide to the snakes, frogs, turtles, and salamanders of North America aids in the identification of 212 species. Learn:
This Golden Guide describes and illustrates in full color more than 140 of our most common trees. Learn:
-How to recognize tree shapes, flowers, buds, leaves, and fruits -Where each species grows -The parts of a tree and the various kinds of trees
Perfect for nature lovers of all ages, this is an indispensable guide for everyone who wants to be able to recognize the different trees in North America.
This Golden Guide describes and illustrates in full color more than 140 of our most common trees. Learn:
This Golden Guide from St. Martin's Press illustrates in full color 423 of the most common, widespread, important, or unusual North American species of Lepidoptera. Information includes:
How to identify butterflies and moths How to attract, rear and preserve them for study How to assist these fascinating insects in their struggle for survival
Plus range maps, a special emphasis on immature forms, and an inde of scientific names.
This Golden Guide from St. Martin's Press illustrates in full color 423 of the most common, widespread, important, or unusual North American specie...
This compact guide to both salt-and fresh-water fishing will help you to:
-Identify the principal sport fishes of North America -Select baits and tackle -Hook and land a fish
A basic guide for the novice and a handy reference for the experienced angler, it's packed with useful information and helpful tips on when, where, and how to fish most successfully.
This compact guide to both salt-and fresh-water fishing will help you to:
-Identify the principal sport fishes of North America -Select b...
This introduction to the life of the past as revealed through fossils includes:
-Descriptions of the typical plants and animals of major geological eras -Maps showing where fossils can be found -The history of the development of life on earth
Full-color illustrations and concise information make this an invaluable and enjoyable guide to a fascinating subject.
This introduction to the life of the past as revealed through fossils includes:
-Descriptions of the typical plants and animals of major geologi...
This informative guide covers the five billion years of history that have given the earth its present form, including:
The earth's relation to the rest of the universe The rocks and minerals of which it is made The effects of glaciers, gravity, volcanoes, and other forces
Illustrated in full color, this guide is valuable for everyone interested in our planet, the ultimate basis of our present society.
This informative guide covers the five billion years of history that have given the earth its present form, including: