Subtitled: On the ecological significance of grazing and cutting regimes applied to restore former species-rich grassland communities in the Netherlands . Reports on part of a 15-year research program on grasslands (including salt marshes) carried out by the U. of Groningen, in which systematic and
Subtitled: On the ecological significance of grazing and cutting regimes applied to restore former species-rich grassland communities in the Netherlan...
Peatlands are fascinating ecosystems. They are Boudewijn Beltman, Jon den Held, Harm Piek, inhabited by a wealth of especially adapted plant Drs. Niek van Heijst, Drs. Hermien van Sloch- species, such as peat mosses, insectivorous teren and Dr. Taeke Stol, who participated in plants, and nitrogen-fixing shrubs. They also the early stages of the process. The help of Drs. have a 'memory' often going back thousands of G. J. Baayens in the correction of chapter 5 is years, recorded in the layers of plant remains gratefully acknowledged. accumulated underneath the present plant cover. Chapters 6...
Peatlands are fascinating ecosystems. They are Boudewijn Beltman, Jon den Held, Harm Piek, inhabited by a wealth of especially adapted plant Drs. Niek...
There are some good reasons to start a global study of beech forests. One reason may be the importance of beech for man. In many places and in many ages, beech has played an important role in people's lives (Table 1). Already in old ages beech was useful for nuts, fuelwood and bokiz, beechwood tablets carved with runes, from which probably our word 'book' is derived. Beech still plays an important role in people's lives. Another reason for a global study of beech forests is that it lifts us above the detailed but fragmented image of a local study. My study of beech forests started out of love...
There are some good reasons to start a global study of beech forests. One reason may be the importance of beech for man. In many places and in many ag...
The inspiration for this book came from our ten years of journeys and wanderings through the varied landscapes of Arabia, and in particular through those of its hospitable southeastern corner, Oman. We owe a particular debt to Sultan Qaboos University, which during this time has provided us with both a stimulating working environment and a home. Transliteration of Arabic place and other names into English script is a task fraught with difficulties. We have followed 'accepted' spellings wherever these were not contrary to our common sense, and in other cases we have rendered names into Roman...
The inspiration for this book came from our ten years of journeys and wanderings through the varied landscapes of Arabia, and in particular through th...
The Kakadu reg10n of northern Australia is swarming over the landscape with their meters steeped in cultural history and natural grandeur. and notebooks and a vast store of information Over the past few decades the rich cultural and was gathered. This book is a summary of the natural heritage of this fascinating region has immense amount of information collected on the become increasingly known to more and more geobotanic features of the region. The cultural people. At the same time as the natural heritage of heritage of the traditional Aboriginal inhabitants the region was being recognised...
The Kakadu reg10n of northern Australia is swarming over the landscape with their meters steeped in cultural history and natural grandeur. and noteboo...
Phenomorphology of flowering plants deals with starts growing, how long it grows and what happens the study of temporal changes in the morphology of to it when it stops growing. Is it being dispersed like plants and plant organs during their whole life diaspores, does it die eventually like leaves, or does span. It is in fact the study of the visible life history it remain alive as part of the plant body during the of each of the vegetative and generative organs of whole lifespan of the plant or during part of it, and the plant. Consequently it combines the use of finally what is its life...
Phenomorphology of flowering plants deals with starts growing, how long it grows and what happens the study of temporal changes in the morphology of t...
This is the first detailed analysis of the complex and rich vegetation of the mountainous Korean peninsula, which ranges from arctic-alpine to subtropical in character, and in which more than 4500 vascular-plant species have been recorded, including many endemics. It covers both the north and south of the peninsula and, using both past and present records, identifies eight major biogeographic regions. It pays due attention to vegetation history, tracing this back to Miocene times and noting the effects of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations. More recently, detailed climatic variations from 50...
This is the first detailed analysis of the complex and rich vegetation of the mountainous Korean peninsula, which ranges from arctic-alpine to subtrop...
Early research on ant-plant interactions in Australia was largely confined to the economically important problem of ants harvesting surface-sown pasture seed (e. g. Campbell 1966). The report by Berg (1975) of widespread myrmecochory in Australia, and a burst of overseas research, stimulated research on a range of ant-plant interactions in Australia. This book summarizes such research and presents reeent and current work on seed harvesting, myrmecochory, ant-epiphytes, extrafloral nectaries, ant-plant-homopteran systems, and the influence of vegetation on ant faunas. I hope that it will...
Early research on ant-plant interactions in Australia was largely confined to the economically important problem of ants harvesting surface-sown pastu...
It is a privilege to be asked and a pleasurable duty for me to write the foreword of this book. The conservation and wise utilisation of the humid tropical forests, a unique biome, are matters of great concern and importance to millions living within and around these forests and, perhaps, less directly, to the totality of mankind. These forests provide many essential products and services for mankind. The list is lengthy and need not be repeated here. Suffice it to say that there are not many aspects of human activity which do not utilise some of these products, services or derivatives...
It is a privilege to be asked and a pleasurable duty for me to write the foreword of this book. The conservation and wise utilisation of the humid tro...
Life originated and evolved in water. Later the The tropical countries where the need to under plants moved out of water, conquered the land and stand the natural ecosystems is far greater because became dominant over it. The evolution through they are under intensive pressure from develop the millennia resulted in enormous complexity of ment from a rapidly growing human population, form, tissue organisation, reproductive mechan have generally devoted much less attention to the isms and specialisation of taxa in different niches. studies of aquatic ecosystems. The Indian subconti At some...
Life originated and evolved in water. Later the The tropical countries where the need to under plants moved out of water, conquered the land and stand...