Life originated and evolved in water. Later the The tropical countries where the need to under plants moved out of water, conquered the land and stand the natural ecosystems is far greater because became dominant over it. The evolution through they are under intensive pressure from develop the millennia resulted in enormous complexity of ment from a rapidly growing human population, form, tissue organisation, reproductive mechan have generally devoted much less attention to the isms and specialisation of taxa in different niches. studies of aquatic ecosystems. The Indian subconti At some...
Life originated and evolved in water. Later the The tropical countries where the need to under plants moved out of water, conquered the land and stand...
Life originated and evolved in water. Later the The tropical countries where the need to under plants moved out of water, conquered the land and stand the natural ecosystems is far greater because became dominant over it. The evolution through they are under intensive pressure from develop the millennia resulted in enormous complexity of ment from a rapidly growing human population, form, tissue organisation, reproductive mechan have generally devoted much less attention to the isms and specialisation of taxa in different niches. studies of aquatic ecosystems. The Indian subconti At some...
Life originated and evolved in water. Later the The tropical countries where the need to under plants moved out of water, conquered the land and stand...