Considers the impact of game theoretic models of strategic information transmission in politics paying particular attention to the presence of information asymmetries.
Considers the impact of game theoretic models of strategic information transmission in politics paying particular attention to the presence of informa...
The text is technically precise but at the same time accessible, and is carried forward by numerous examples. The chapters focus on vote counting rules, voting agendas, voter preferences, sincere and sophisticated voting strategies, solution sets, voting outcomes, agendas control and agenda formation. The author himself has made prior research contributions to a number of these topics.
The text is technically precise but at the same time accessible, and is carried forward by numerous examples. The chapters focus on vote counting rule...
John E. Roemer, one of the founders of analytical Marxism, draws on contemporary mathematical economics to put forward a refined extension of the Marxian theory of exploitation, labour value and class.
John E. Roemer, one of the founders of analytical Marxism, draws on contemporary mathematical economics to put forward a refined extension of the Marx...
By exploring the strengths and weaknesses of a Marxist approach to economic development, this book presents a balanced treatment of development issues within the area of 'rational choice Marxism'
By exploring the strengths and weaknesses of a Marxist approach to economic development, this book presents a balanced treatment of development issues...
Do individuals keep the same place on the earnings scale, or is there a great deal of mobility? This volume discusses the empirical studies of this issue.
Do individuals keep the same place on the earnings scale, or is there a great deal of mobility? This volume discusses the empirical studies of this is...