The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series inauguration in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to...
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint...
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series inauguration in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to...
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint...
Contents: Y. Asakawa: Chemical Constituents of the Bryophytes. The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series inauguration in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and...
Contents: Y. Asakawa: Chemical Constituents of the Bryophytes. The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister after its fo...
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister" after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer imprint ever since the series was founded in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to...
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister" after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer imprin...
The properties of proteins are determined not only by the sequence of amino-acid residues in the polypeptide chains, but also by the con figuration of the chains-the way in which the chains are coiled or folded. It is probable that denaturation, the loss of some of the specific properties of a native protein, may in many cases be the result simply of a change in configuration of the polypeptide chains, without any change whatever in the sequence of amino-acid residues. During the past few years great progress has been made in the attack on the determination of the sequence of amino-acid...
The properties of proteins are determined not only by the sequence of amino-acid residues in the polypeptide chains, but also by the con figuration of...
Wenn uber Fortschritte der Chemie der Gallotannine berichtet werden soll, so muss ein Ausgangspunkt gewahlt werden, von dem aus die neu gewonnenen Erkenntnisse geschildert werden. Das ist in unserem Falle nicht schwer. EMIL FISCHER hatte fur das chinesische Gallotannin (aus den Blattgallen von Rhus semialata) und das turkische Gallotannin (aus den Zweiggallen von Quercus infectoria) das bekannte Bauprinzip der polygalloylierten Glucosen herausgearbeitet. Aber weder ihm noch KARRER (43, 44) ist es moglich gewesen, aus dem Gemisch von Substanzen, die sie untersuchten, einzelne Individuen zu...
Wenn uber Fortschritte der Chemie der Gallotannine berichtet werden soll, so muss ein Ausgangspunkt gewahlt werden, von dem aus die neu gewonnenen Erk...
Als Bitterstoffe bezeichnet man bitter schmeckende, N- und S-freie, O-haltige Substanzen, die noch nicht in andere groBe Verbindungsklassen, wie Alkaloide, Farbstoffe, Sterine usw. , eingegliedert sind. Bis heute ist es nicht gelungen, eine Beziehung zwischen dem bitteren Geschmack und der chemischen Konstitution zu entdecken (75). Wenn auch viele Bitterstoffe Keton- oder Lactongruppierungen enthalten, so ist doch das Vorhandensein derartiger Gruppen zur Erregung der auf "bitter" ansprechenden Geschmackssinnes-zellen keine notwendige V oraussetzung. Das Vorkommen der Bitterstoffe ist nicht...
Als Bitterstoffe bezeichnet man bitter schmeckende, N- und S-freie, O-haltige Substanzen, die noch nicht in andere groBe Verbindungsklassen, wie Alkal...
During the past three decades the organic chemist has become in creasingly used to take advantage of more and more complex instrumenta tion and physical measurements in lieu of laborious, time-consuming and often ambiguous chemical transformations. Mass spectrometry is perhaps the most recent, most complex and most expensive addition to this field. In view of the astonishingly quick acceptance of nuclear magnetic reso nance by the organic chemist it is, in retrospect, surprising that he has neglected mass spectrometry for such a long time. This can be explained, in part, by the complexity of...
During the past three decades the organic chemist has become in creasingly used to take advantage of more and more complex instrumenta tion and physic...