It is generally accepted that all living organisms present on earth derive from one single primordial cell born several billion years ago. One important step in the evolution occurred some 1. 5 billion years ago with the transition from small procaryote cells with relatively simple internal structures such as bacteria to larger and more compleX: eucaryotic cells such as those found in higher animals and plants. Large membrane proteins which enable the cells to communicate appeared early in evolution, and it is believed that the nerve membrane receptors and ionic channels which are observed...
It is generally accepted that all living organisms present on earth derive from one single primordial cell born several billion years ago. One importa...
Although DNA fingerprinting is a very young branch of molecular genetics, being barely six years old, its recent impact on science, law and politics has been dramatic. The application of DNA finger- printing to forensic and legal medicine has guaranteed a high public profile for this technology, and indeed, scarcely a week goes by with- out the press reporting yet another crime successfully solved by molec- ular genetics. Less spectacularly, but equally importantly, DNA typing methods are steadily diffusing into an ever wider set of applications and research fields, ranging from medicine...
Although DNA fingerprinting is a very young branch of molecular genetics, being barely six years old, its recent impact on science, law and politics h...
It can be argued that nonselective cation channels were the first sort of ion channel to be described, though the word channel was not used at the time. Their existence was implied by Fatt and Katz in 1952, when they described the action of acetylcholine at the muscle endplate as producing "a large nonselective increase of ion permeability, i.e. a short circuit." Shortly afterwards, in 1956, Katz referred to "aqueous channels through which small ions can pass ... " (del Castillo and Katz, Prog. Biophysics and Biophys. Chern. 6, 121-170). Now, more than thirty years later, it has become clear...
It can be argued that nonselective cation channels were the first sort of ion channel to be described, though the word channel was not used at the tim...
The 39 chapters in this volume consider subjects ranging from genetics, markers, and molecular biology of alcoholism, to clinical observations and treatment. The aim is to integrate pertinent information from the fields of molecular and cell biology with view to establishing a molecular basis of alcohol use and abuse. An initial preview summarizes historical aspects of alcohol use, and subsequent chapters concern novel drugs, pharmacological aspects, gene structures, cloning, and enzymatic properties. Also contributions by "non-traditional" alcohol scientists have been included in this...
The 39 chapters in this volume consider subjects ranging from genetics, markers, and molecular biology of alcoholism, to clinical observations and tre...
Among the various theories proposed to account for the process of aging, the free radical theory is of practical interest since it includes the possibility of retarding this process by administrating natural or synthetic antioxidants and free radical scavengers. The book "Free Radicals and Aging" summarizes knowledge accumulated during recent years in 42 reviews written by experts in the field. Aspects of free radical involvement in the intrinsic aging process and in age-related diseases, as well as the importance of the pro-antioxidant balance throughout life are discussed. Epidemiological...
Among the various theories proposed to account for the process of aging, the free radical theory is of practical interest since it includes the possib...
In the last 25 years, we have witnessed a revolution in the way that ecologists and evolutionary biologists approach their disciplines. This revolution has been fueled by the ability to dissect the genetic and molecular basis of variation that is partly the currency of these disci- plines. Using modern molecular techniques, we have begun to restruc- ture the spectrum of questions that can be addressed in studying the mechanisms and consequences of the ecology and evolution of living organisms. The molecular revolution has co me in waves, so to speak, with three particularly important...
In the last 25 years, we have witnessed a revolution in the way that ecologists and evolutionary biologists approach their disciplines. This revolutio...
w. KlingmUller Lehrstuhl fUr Genetik, Universitat Bayreuth, UniversitatsstraBe 30, 8580 Bayreuth, FRG th th On September 6 and 7 1983 the second workshop on "Azospirillum: Genetics, Physiology, Ecology" took place at the University of Bayreuth, west Germany, organized by the genetics department. There were about 50 participants, who came from German research institutions, from other European countries, from Israel, Egypt and North and South America. The first such workshop had taken place two years ago in Bayreuth too, hence the organizers could draw on the experiences then obtained....
w. KlingmUller Lehrstuhl fUr Genetik, Universitat Bayreuth, UniversitatsstraBe 30, 8580 Bayreuth, FRG th th On September 6 and 7 1983 the second works...
W. Klingmuller Lehrstuhl fur Genetik, Universitat Bayreuth, UniversitatsstraBe 30, 8580 Bayreuth, FRG Growth of higher plants, particularly agricultural crops, de- pends on combined nitrogen. To obtain high yields, combined nitrogen has to be supplied as fertilizer. However, the che- cal production of nitrogen fertilizers is very energy consuming and costly. In underdeveloped countries there is in addition the problem of how to get such fertilizer and how to distribute it. Efforts to replace chemical nitrogen fertilizers by other means of nitrogen fertilization are therefore important. Some...
W. Klingmuller Lehrstuhl fur Genetik, Universitat Bayreuth, UniversitatsstraBe 30, 8580 Bayreuth, FRG Growth of higher plants, particularly agricultur...