A wealth of information has accumulated over the last few years on the human genome. The new insights have completely changed the focus of protein analysis. It is no longer time-consuming analysis of unknown products, but rather selective identifications of individual forms, modifications and processings, and overall analysis of global protein outputs from cells and tissues in health and disease. This book gears to the rising need of sensitive, accurate, and fast separation and identification techniques in proteomics. It discusses current methodologies of modern protein analysis, from...
A wealth of information has accumulated over the last few years on the human genome. The new insights have completely changed the focus of protein ana...
The 39 chapters in this volume consider subjects ranging from genetics, markers, and molecular biology of alcoholism, to clinical observations and treatment. The aim is to integrate pertinent information from the fields of molecular and cell biology with view to establishing a molecular basis of alcohol use and abuse. An initial preview summarizes historical aspects of alcohol use, and subsequent chapters concern novel drugs, pharmacological aspects, gene structures, cloning, and enzymatic properties. Also contributions by "non-traditional" alcohol scientists have been included in this...
The 39 chapters in this volume consider subjects ranging from genetics, markers, and molecular biology of alcoholism, to clinical observations and tre...