The Europaische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-techni scher Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH (european academy) is con cerned with the scientific study of the consequences of scientific and technological advance for the individual and social life and for the natural environment. The main focus is to examine foreseeable mid-and long-term processes that are especially influenced by natural-and engineering sciences and the medical disciplines. The academy fulfills this task by organizing interdisciplinary expert discussions. Another important issue of the work of...
The Europaische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-techni scher Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH (european academy) is con ...
The Europaische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-tech- scher Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH is concerned with the sci- tific study of the consequences of scientific and technological advance for indiv- ual and societal life and for the natural environment. The main focus is the exa- nation of mid- and long-term processes that are especially influenced by natur- and engineering sciences and the medical disciplines. As an independent scientific institution, the Europaische Akademie pursues a dialogue with politics and society. The work of the Europaische Akademie...
The Europaische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-tech- scher Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH is concerned with the sci- ...
Disparate perceptions and conceptual frameworks of environment and the relationship between humans and nature often lead to confusion, constraints on co-operation and collaboration and even conflict when society tries to deal with today s urgent and complex environment research and policy challenges. Such disparities in perception and "world view" are driven by many factors. They include differences in culture, religion, ethical frameworks, scientific methodologies and approaches, disciplines, political, social and philosophical traditions, life styles and consumption patterns as well as...
Disparate perceptions and conceptual frameworks of environment and the relationship between humans and nature often lead to confusion, constraints ...
Information and knowledge play an increasingly important role in the implementation of public policies, in particular those of the Central and Eastern European Countries. They are involved in many respects in the elaboration of scientific programs. They are more and more present in the political decision making process and as topic for scientific conferences. They are often at the centre of international discussions on related topics, for example, differences in approaches to produce and apply knowledge or different responses to social function of information. A major lesson of these past...
Information and knowledge play an increasingly important role in the implementation of public policies, in particular those of the Central and Eastern...
Upcoming applications of genetic engineering in farm animals include higher yields, leaner meat, or disease resistance. The proceedings cover an analysis of the state of the art of the technology and its applications, an introduction to the specific application zoopharming (a method to produce biopharmaceuticals in transgenic livestock), including an analysis of the market for biopharmaceuticals. In addition an assessment of ethical aspects of livestock biotechnology and considerations regarding animal welfare implications are covered. The study is addressed to science, industry and...
Upcoming applications of genetic engineering in farm animals include higher yields, leaner meat, or disease resistance. The proceedings cover an an...
Die menschliche Gesellschaft ist durch moderne wissenschaftliche Verfahren der Klimamodellierung in der Lage, Vorhersagen des zukunftigen Klimas zu treffen. Ebenso lassen sich anhand der aktuellen Klimaforschung mogliche menschliche Ursachen fur Klimaanderungen ausmachen. Damit wird das Klima im gesellschaftlichen Bewusstsein zur Sphare menschlicher Handlungsfolgen. Menschliches "Klimahandeln" wird somit notwendig. Dabei berucksichtigt werden muss sowohl die Risikolage durch unwunschbare Klimawirkungen als auch die Verhaltnismassigkeit vorgeschlagener Massnahmen oder zu entwickelnder...
Die menschliche Gesellschaft ist durch moderne wissenschaftliche Verfahren der Klimamodellierung in der Lage, Vorhersagen des zukunftigen Klimas zu tr...
Firms that operate in a market economy often depend upon innovations in order to achieve competitive advantages that sustainably secure their survival. Business ethics is thus largely concerned with questions about the decisional freedoms involved in innovation processes. Innovations oftentimes raise novel questions about the role of the state or the structure of society. Business ethics needs to provide a framework for balancing the different perspectives, values, and interests at stake. This balance must be achieved at the level of the firm in order to facilitate adequate long term...
Firms that operate in a market economy often depend upon innovations in order to achieve competitive advantages that sustainably secure their survi...
Eine Alternative zu den etablierten Transplantationsmethoden konnte die Xenotransplantation sein, bei der von zu diesem Zweck gezuchteten, moglicherweise auch genetisch veranderten Tieren die benotigten Gewebe gewonnen werden konnten. Die vorliegende Studie ist das Arbeitsergebnis einer interdisziplinar zusammengesetzten Projektgruppe, die den aktuellen Stand der Xenotransplantationsmethodik und -technologie untersuchte und ihre Verwendung fur medizinische Zwecke beurteilte. Ausgehend von einer Analyse der Situation in der Transplantationsmedizin und einer Diskussion der Alternativen zur...
Eine Alternative zu den etablierten Transplantationsmethoden konnte die Xenotransplantation sein, bei der von zu diesem Zweck gezuchteten, moglicherwe...
One way to shape technology and its embedding in society in the 21st century is through the visions that guide their development, especially concerning the long-term societal perspective. A critical discussion and assessment of these visions is a prerequisite for influencing the course of development. Technology assessment, therefore, has to provide a methodological repertoire for assessing and constructing visions, taking into account the requirements for long-term orientation as well as the need for public legitimation. This volume draws upon insights from technology assessment, political...
One way to shape technology and its embedding in society in the 21st century is through the visions that guide their development, especially concernin...
In the context of conducting research on the consequences of scientific and tech nological advance, the Europaische Akademie is also concerned with the support of scientists in the doctoral or post-doctoral phase who are working on topics or methods within its research spectrum. The first dissertation supported by the Europaische Akademie is published in this volume of the book series "Wissen schaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung." One of the research areas of the Europaische Akademie is the scientific investi gation of environmental consequences of new technologies. Energy conversion and...
In the context of conducting research on the consequences of scientific and tech nological advance, the Europaische Akademie is also concerned with th...