Die Gesundheitsreform ist in aller Munde. Die Parteien streiten sich, die Verbande wollen ihre Besitztumer erhalten und das Volk ist betroffen und klagt. Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) hat in einer interdisziplinaren Arbeitsgruppe "Gesundheitsstandards" seit dem Jahr 2000 eine fundamentale Studie erarbeitet, die jetzt als Buch mit dem Titel "Gesundheit nach Mass?" vorliegt. Die Analyse der Lage ist evident: Das deutsche Gesundheitssystem sieht sich wie das der europaischen Nachbarlander mit dramatischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Weithin besteht Einigkeit,...
Die Gesundheitsreform ist in aller Munde. Die Parteien streiten sich, die Verbande wollen ihre Besitztumer erhalten und das Volk ist betroffen und kla...
E. Ehlers, Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Katharina Mader
Disparate perceptions and conceptual frameworks of environment and the relationship between humans and nature often lead to confusion, constraints on co-operation and collaboration and even conflict when society tries to deal with today s urgent and complex environment research and policy challenges. Such disparities in perception and "world view" are driven by many factors. They include differences in culture, religion, ethical frameworks, scientific methodologies and approaches, disciplines, political, social and philosophical traditions, life styles and consumption patterns as well as...
Disparate perceptions and conceptual frameworks of environment and the relationship between humans and nature often lead to confusion, constraints ...
Christian Streffer, Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Georg Kamp, Wolfgang Kröger, Eckard Rehbinder, Ortwin Renn
Radioactive waste (above all highly radioactive wastes from nuclear installations) caused by research, medicine and technology must be disposed of safely. However both the strategies disputed for the disposal of radioactive waste as well as concrete proposals for choosing a location for final waste disposal are highly debatable. An appropriate disposal must conform to both complex, technical requirements and fulfill the radio-biological conditions to appropriately protect man and nature. Ethical, legal and social conditions must also be considered. An interdisciplinary team from various,...
Radioactive waste (above all highly radioactive wastes from nuclear installations) caused by research, medicine and technology must be disposed of saf...