You will hold in your hands the proceedings of the last conference ever on integral-?eld spectroscopy. So the daring statement that we, organizers, made at the end of an extremely interesting and busy week of conference in October 2005. Indeed, the quality and diversity of the contributions in this book indicated that integral-?eld spectroscopy had evolved into a mature technique. Future books would not be dedicated to the technique as such but to the science achieved with 3D-spectroscopy, that is a dedicated book after thisone, assemblingscienceresultsacrosssomany?elds, isunlikelytoappear...
You will hold in your hands the proceedings of the last conference ever on integral-?eld spectroscopy. So the daring statement that we, organizers, ma...
This ESO workshop, which took place in September 1995 on a topic that at a first glance could be considered rather specialized, attracted an unpre dictably large number of scientists. This certainly reflects the importance of this field, which has lost its seemingly esoteric character, in a wider astro physical context. To give as much room as possible in these proceedings to the targeted talks, no presentation of the Very Large Telescope Observatory has been included. All readers missing such a presentation are reminded that up-to date in-depth information about the VLT status is available...
This ESO workshop, which took place in September 1995 on a topic that at a first glance could be considered rather specialized, attracted an unpre dic...
This is the second ESO workshop in aseries dedicated to science oppor tunities with the VLT. At the first workshop all areas of astronomical research were discussed. This second workshop is dedicated to research projects on the early Universe and has provided a forum for discussing strategies for studying faint distant objects in the optical and infrared spectral regions. This field is evolving very rapidly. There are several new surveys of galax ies and clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshift and quasars at very high redshift. Major advances in the morphological studies of distant...
This is the second ESO workshop in aseries dedicated to science oppor tunities with the VLT. At the first workshop all areas of astronomical research ...
It is well known that stellar winds are variable, and the fluctuations are often cyclical in nature. This property seems to be shared by the winds of cool and hot stars, even though their outflows are driven by fundamentally different physical mechanisms. Since very similar models have been proposed to explain the cyclical wind variations observed in a wide variety of stars, the time was ripe for astrophysicists from many different sub-disciplines to present the state of the art in a concise form. The proceedings will provide a useful, up-to-date overview of the observations, interpretation,...
It is well known that stellar winds are variable, and the fluctuations are often cyclical in nature. This property seems to be shared by the winds of ...
With the new era of 8-10 m telescopes the power to spectroscopically examine the light of fainter and more distant targets has taken a 'photon' leap. It is now becoming routinely possible to obtain high signal-to-noise spectra of very distant objects and to attempt the determination of their abundances. The motivation for a workshop on this topic could be summarized thus: Do we understand enough about chemical abundances at zero redshift to trust any conclusions on chem- ical evolution at high redshift? Given our observational background in gaseous nebulae, we thought at first in terms of a...
With the new era of 8-10 m telescopes the power to spectroscopically examine the light of fainter and more distant targets has taken a 'photon' leap. ...
At close inspection every galaxy appears to have its own individuality.A galaxy can be warped, lop-sided, doubly-nucleated, boxy or disky, ... in its own specific, peculiar way. Hence, for a complete description, galaxy taxonomy may ask for finer and finer classification schemes. However, for some applications it may be more fruitful to let details aside and focus on some global properties of galaxies. One is then seeking to measure just a few quantities for each galaxy, a minimum set of globalobservables that yet captures some essential aspect of these objects. One very successful example of...
At close inspection every galaxy appears to have its own individuality.A galaxy can be warped, lop-sided, doubly-nucleated, boxy or disky, ... in its ...
The controversial question of whether the majority of the narrow absorption lines observed in QSO spectra represent cosmological intervening systems or ejecta from the QSO themselves is settled. QSO absorption line spectroscopy, initially a mere technique, has matured into an essential extragalactic research tool for understanding the content of the Universe at redshifts between 0 and 4, and beyond. The only previous important meeting devoted to "QSO Absorption Lines" was held in May 1987 at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Since that time, nearly a decade...
The controversial question of whether the majority of the narrow absorption lines observed in QSO spectra represent cosmological intervening systems o...
The next major step in millimetre astronomy, and one of the highest-priority items in radio astronomy today, is a large millimetre array with a collecting area 2 of up to 10 000 m . A project of this scale will almost certainly require inter national collaboration, at least within Europe, and possibly with other major partners elsewhere. In order to establish a focal point for this project within Europe, a study has been undertaken by the Institut de Radio Astronomie Mil Ii met rique (IRAM), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), The Onsala Space Observatory (OSO), and The Netherlands...
The next major step in millimetre astronomy, and one of the highest-priority items in radio astronomy today, is a large millimetre array with a collec...
The idea of a joint ESO / Australia meeting on the large number of exciting new facilities that are, or will soon be, available tihne southern hemisphere arose quite naturally. In the optical and the near-infrared, the Very Large Telescope (VLT) will soon be operational. In the radio, the Australia Telescope Com pact Array is going to be upgraded to higher frequencies (20 and 100 GHz), together with an improvement in very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) facil ities. Other major facilities, such as the Large Millimetre Array and the lkT are being planned. Moreover, new deep surveys are...
The idea of a joint ESO / Australia meeting on the large number of exciting new facilities that are, or will soon be, available tihne southern hemisph...