In Cushing's Disease, leading authorities in the field offer a thorough review of the pathogenesis, diagnostic algorithm and treatment options for this complex disease. Beginning with a fascinating history of Cushing's disease that outlines its historical significance to both endocrinology and neurosurgery, the book goes onto to cover the full range of important issues, including the molecular pathogenesis of Cushing's, anatomic pathology, the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome, the differential of pseudo-Cushing's syndromes, hypercortisolemia, surgical removal of the corticotroph adenoma,...
In Cushing's Disease, leading authorities in the field offer a thorough review of the pathogenesis, diagnostic algorithm and treatment options for ...
Pituitary Disease brings together an international panel of experts who summarize the most recent and exciting advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pituitary disease. Coverage includes pathogenesis and pathology of pituitary tumors; clinical scenarios underpinning each type of pituitary tumor as well as their diagnosis and treatment. It is a useful resource for clinicians, students or researchers with an interest in the pituitary and its disorders.
Pituitary Disease brings together an international panel of experts who summarize the most recent and exciting advances in the diagno...
Diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing in prevalence throughout both developed and developing countries. The social and economic burden of this disease is estimated to cost 14 billion dollars worldwide. In the USA alone, 15 million individuals are diabetic, nearly half of them unaware of their condition. Complications of diabetes mellitus are the leading causes for blindness, limb amputation and chronic renal failure and kidney transplantation in industrialized countries. Further, diabetes mellitus per se and the metabolic derangement associated with diabetes are important risk factors for...
Diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing in prevalence throughout both developed and developing countries. The social and economic burden of this disea...
Patients aftlicted with thyroid eye disease or Graves' ophthamopathy (GO) may experience not only pain and visual loss, but also disfigurement. Full understanding of pathogenesis has been elusive, and treatment modalities are imperfect. As with other conditions, more effective intervention will follow only after a better understanding of pathogenesis is reached. The goal of this volume is to give an overview by leaders in the field of the present state of the art both in pathogenesis and clinical aspects of GO. Much attention has been directed towards determining which cells within the orbit...
Patients aftlicted with thyroid eye disease or Graves' ophthamopathy (GO) may experience not only pain and visual loss, but also disfigurement. Full u...
The dramatic recent expansion in genomic information has motivated the development of new approaches to characterize gene expression and function. A critical issue for both basic and clinical endocrinologists is the physiological role of genes involved in regulating endocrine functions. Transgenic technologies allow the translation of genotypic information into specific phenotypes by using gene overexpression or loss of specific gene functions. Murine functional genomics is thus of central importance in modem biomedical endocrine research. Although mice are at present, the preferred mammalian...
The dramatic recent expansion in genomic information has motivated the development of new approaches to characterize gene expression and function. A c...
Calcium-Sensing Receptor provides an overview of various aspects of the calcium receptor's biochemistry, physiology and pathophysiology that is suitable both for those who have been working in the field of Ca2+0-sensing as well as those who are new to this discipline. Calcium-Sensing Receptor is the nineteenth volume published in the Endocrine Updates book series under the Series Editorship of Shlomo Melmed, MD.
Calcium-Sensing Receptor provides an overview of various aspects of the calcium receptor's biochemistry, physiology and pathophysiolo...
"In this outstanding volume, Dr. Gaillard has assembled a team of international experts who have written one of the most comprehensive treatises on this topic. Ranging from fundamental molecular developmental mechanisms of the corticotroph cell, to the treatment of Cushing's Disease, these chapters provide a cutting edge overview of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of disordered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function. Especially noteworthy are the inclusion of chapters on appetite control and neuro-immunomodulation, reflecting the recent exciting advances in these fields. The...
"In this outstanding volume, Dr. Gaillard has assembled a team of international experts who have written one of the most comprehensive treatises on th...
Pituitary adenomas account for 10-15% of all intracranial tumors and they frequently impair fertility. The development of medical and surgical therapy for such tumors has turned pregnancy into a reality for women harboring pituitary adenomas. However, gestation risks for both mother and fetus are still of concern for endocrinologists, gynecologists and pediatricians. This book intends to update knowledge on this topic, mainly regarding fertility restoration as well as gestational and post gestational management of patients with pituitary tumors.
Pituitary adenomas account for 10-15% of all intracranial tumors and they frequently impair fertility. The development of medical and surgical thera...
Ghrelin is a 28-amino acid acylated peptide predominantly produced by the stomach. It displays strong GH-releasing activity mediated by the hypothalamus-pituitary GH secretagogue (GHS)-receptors specific for synthetic GHS. Ghrelin also acts on other central and peripheral receptors and enables other actions including: stimulation of lactotroph and corticotroph secretion; food-intake; gastro-entero-pancreatic functions; metabolic; cardiovascular activity; and anti-proliferative effects. This volume aims to highlight the impact and function of the hormone ghrelin and provide insight to...
Ghrelin is a 28-amino acid acylated peptide predominantly produced by the stomach. It displays strong GH-releasing activity mediated by the hypotha...
The exponential growth in our knowledge on the pathophysiology of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and, in particular, of thyroid hormone action, largely stems from the studies on the various syndromes of resistance to the hormones involved in the function of the axis. These syndromes essentially encompass two forms, i. e. the resistance to thyroid hormones and that to TSH action. The contribution of molecular biology has been fundamental in understanding the etiology of these different thyroid disorders and led to the discovery of new pathogenetic mechanisms, e. g. the dominant negative...
The exponential growth in our knowledge on the pathophysiology of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and, in particular, of thyroid hormone action, l...