From the 98 presentations of the XIIth Symposium on Colour Vision Deficiencies, 61 were selected after peer review and revision by the authors. In addition to these contributions this volume contains acumulative index to all authors in the IRGCVD proceedings since thefirst one in 1968, including the present volume. The contents include contributions on basic questions of anatomical and electrophysiological organisation of the neural pathways underlying colour vision; and on ways in which disturbances of these pathways can produce...
From the 98 presentations of the XIIth Symposium on Colour Vision Deficiencies, 61 were selected after peer review and revision by the authors. In add...
This Volume of the Documenta Ophthalmoligica Proceeding Series presents the scientific papers read during the 13th Congress of SIDUO, the International Society for Ultrasonic Diagnosis in Ophthalmology, held in Vienna in the Summer of 1990. It was the second time that SIDUO had selected Vienna as a site for its biennial congresses in the 28 years of its existence. Previously, the 3rd SIDUO Meeting had taken place as part of the 1st World Congress for Ultrasonic Diagnosis in Medicine organized by Karl C. Ossoinig in 1969. Ossoinig, the pioneer of Standardized Echography opened the scientific...
This Volume of the Documenta Ophthalmoligica Proceeding Series presents the scientific papers read during the 13th Congress of SIDUO, the Internationa...
The eleventh Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies (IRGCVD) was held 20-23 June 1991 in Sydney, Aus- tralia, ably hosted by local organizer Stephen Dain. A total of 35 talks and 10 posters were presented. Papers based on 37 of these presentations are included here, in Colour Vision Deficiencies XI. The scientific program featured sessions on three special topics, with each topic highlighted by an invited speaker. The opening session on the Genetics of congenital colour vision deficiencies began with a superb invited lecture by Charles Weitz about his...
The eleventh Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies (IRGCVD) was held 20-23 June 1991 in Sydney, Aus- tralia, abl...
This volume of Documenta Ophthalmologica Proceedings Series collects the scientific papers presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Retinal Pigment Epithelium and the 4th Meeting of the European Macula Group held in Genoa, May 29-June 1, 1996. The Symposium on Retinal Pigment Epithelium was promoted by the University Eye Clinic of Genoa as the natural continuation of the first Symposium held with great success in Genoa in 1988. The previous Meetings of the European Macula Group were held in Coimbra (1988), Crete (1989) and Athens (1994). I was greatly pleased and honoured to host the...
This volume of Documenta Ophthalmologica Proceedings Series collects the scientific papers presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Retinal Pig...
The 13th biennial Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies was held from 27 July to 30 July, 1995, in the splendidjin de siecle Theatre Saint Louis, in Pau, France. A total of 80 papers and posters were presented during the four days, of which 56 have been selected for inclusion in this volume. Each has been reviewed by two of the Editors. Additionally, in numerous cases in which specialized knowledge was called for the Editors asked for external help; their assistance is acknowledged below. While Pau now exists largely on agriculture and, more recently, oil...
The 13th biennial Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies was held from 27 July to 30 July, 1995, in the splendidj...
Basic and Clinical Applications of Vision Sciences contains the edited papers presented at the Enoch Vision Science Symposium, April 27-30 1996, which was organized in honor of the pioneer in vision science, Dr Jay M Enoch. Dr Enoch served for twelve years as Dean, School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley. The book is organized along the lines of Dr. Enoch's contributions to vision science, but is not limited to these topics. Of special note, the reader will find papers on important new developments in photoreceptor, ophthalmic and visual optics, retinal imaging,...
Basic and Clinical Applications of Vision Sciences contains the edited papers presented at the Enoch Vision Science Symposium, April 27-30 19...
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies Held at Centre Medical Universitaire, Geneva, Switzerland, 23-25 June, 1983
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies Held at Centre Medical Universitaire, Geneva, S...
The 5th International Visual Field Symposium of the International Peri- metric Society was held on October 20-23, 1982, in Sacramento, California, before the joint meeting of the International Congress of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. A majority of the members of the International Perimetric Society took part in the meeting together with many guests. The topics of the symposium were: glaucoma: correlation between the visual field and the optic disc; the visual field in low-tension glaucoma; neuro-ophthalmology and ergo-perimetry. Apart from this there were many...
The 5th International Visual Field Symposium of the International Peri- metric Society was held on October 20-23, 1982, in Sacramento, California, bef...