This volume is devoted to the recent advances in diagnostic ultrasound in ophthalmology. It provides an overview of the progress in clinical applications of the technique. There are chapters that focus on the optic nerve and extraocular muscles, orbital and periorbital lesions, intraocular tumors and intraocular disorders. In addition there are chapters that deal with the anterior segment, instrumentation, biometry and Doppler methods. The contributions prepared by a group of international experts in the field should be of interest to all those involved in ophthalmic echography.
This volume is devoted to the recent advances in diagnostic ultrasound in ophthalmology. It provides an overview of the progress in clinical applicati...
This Volume of the Documenta Ophthalmoligica Proceeding Series presents the scientific papers read during the 13th Congress of SIDUO, the International Society for Ultrasonic Diagnosis in Ophthalmology, held in Vienna in the Summer of 1990. It was the second time that SIDUO had selected Vienna as a site for its biennial congresses in the 28 years of its existence. Previously, the 3rd SIDUO Meeting had taken place as part of the 1st World Congress for Ultrasonic Diagnosis in Medicine organized by Karl C. Ossoinig in 1969. Ossoinig, the pioneer of Standardized Echography opened the scientific...
This Volume of the Documenta Ophthalmoligica Proceeding Series presents the scientific papers read during the 13th Congress of SIDUO, the Internationa...