Object-oriented inheritance has been in widespread use for a decade, and it is now realised that although inheritance is a powerful modelling tool with many associated advantages, its benefits are not automatically conferred on systems that simply use it. inheritance relationships. Each relationship has a clear conceptual basis, representing a fundamental, specialised use of inheritance. The resulting model replaces a confused notion of inheritance with five distinct conceptual relationships supporting more precise modelling of systems and capturing the semantic intent of each use of...
Object-oriented inheritance has been in widespread use for a decade, and it is now realised that although inheritance is a powerful modelling tool wit...
Artificial intelligence researchers have largely focused their efforts on solving specific problems, with less emphasis on the big picture - automating large scale tasks which require human-level intelligence to undertake. The subject of this book, automated theory formation in mathematics, is such a large scale task. Automated theory formation requires the invention of new concepts, the calculating of examples, the making of conjectures and the proving of theorems. This book, representing four years of PhD work by Dr. Simon Colton demonstrates how theory formation can be automated. Building...
Artificial intelligence researchers have largely focused their efforts on solving specific problems, with less emphasis on the big picture - automatin...
Classifier systems are an intriguing approach to a broad range of machine learning problems, based on automated generation and evaluation of condi tion/action rules. Inreinforcement learning tasks they simultaneously address the two major problems of learning a policy and generalising over it (and re lated objects, such as value functions). Despite over 20 years of research, however, classifier systems have met with mixed success, for reasons which were often unclear. Finally, in 1995 Stewart Wilson claimed a long-awaited breakthrough with his XCS system, which differs from earlier classifier...
Classifier systems are an intriguing approach to a broad range of machine learning problems, based on automated generation and evaluation of condi tio...
First, I would like to thank my principal supervisor Dr Qiang Shen for all his help, advice and friendship throughout. Many thanks also to my second supervisor Dr Peter Jarvis for his enthusiasm, help and friendship. I would also like to thank the other members of the Approximate and Qualitative Reasoning group at Edinburgh who have also helped and inspired me. This project has been funded by an EPSRC studentship, award num ber 97305803. I would like, therefore, to extend my gratitude to EPSRC for supporting this work. Many thanks to the staff at Edinburgh University for all their help and...
First, I would like to thank my principal supervisor Dr Qiang Shen for all his help, advice and friendship throughout. Many thanks also to my second s...
This book investigates sets of images consisting of many overlapping viewsofa scene, and how the information contained within them may be combined to produce single images of superior quality. The generic name for such techniques is frame fusion. Using frame fusion, it is possible to extend the fieldof view beyond that ofany single image, to reduce noise, to restore high-frequency content, and even to increase spatial resolution and dynamic range. The aim in this book is to develop efficient, robust and automated frame fusion algorithms which may be applied to real image sequences. An...
This book investigates sets of images consisting of many overlapping viewsofa scene, and how the information contained within them may be combined to ...
This book discusses the use of the real numbers in theorem proving. Typ ically, theorem provers only support a few 'discrete' datatypes such as the natural numbers. However the availability of the real numbers opens up many interesting and important application areas, such as the verification of float ing point hardware and hybrid systems. It also allows the formalization of many more branches of classical mathematics, which is particularly relevant for attempts to inject more rigour into computer algebra systems. Our work is conducted in a version of the HOL theorem prover. We de scribe the...
This book discusses the use of the real numbers in theorem proving. Typ ically, theorem provers only support a few 'discrete' datatypes such as the na...
This book updates the thesis I produced for my PhD at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the University of Edinburgh, correcting errors, and improving some of the formatting and readability. Since the original work was completed (early 1996), research has progressed. Most notably, the public profile of AI and game-playing has reached new heights with the feats of the chess computer DEEPER BLUE (which surely uses AI, no matter what IBM would have us believe). Although less heralded, the ability of computers to play Bridge (the main example domain in this book) has also increased. In...
This book updates the thesis I produced for my PhD at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the University of Edinburgh, correcting errors, and...
Evolution through natural selection has been going on for a very long time. Evolution through artificial selection has been practiced by humans for a large part of our history, in the breeding of plants and livestock. Artificial evolution, where we evolve an artifact through artificial selection, has been around since electronic computers became common: about 30 years. Right from the beginning, people have suggested using artificial evolution to design electronics automatically.l Only recently, though, have suitable re configurable silicon chips become available that make it easy for...
Evolution through natural selection has been going on for a very long time. Evolution through artificial selection has been practiced by humans for a ...
A central problem in computer vision is to track objects as they move and deform in a video sequence. Stochastic algorithms -- in particular, particle filters and the Condensation algorithm -- have dramatically enhanced the state of the art for such visual tracking problems in recent years. This book presents a unified framework for visual tracking using particle filters, including the new technique of partitioned sampling which can alleviate the "curse of dimensionality" suffered by standard particle filters. The book also introduces the notion of contour likelihood: a collection of models...
A central problem in computer vision is to track objects as they move and deform in a video sequence. Stochastic algorithms -- in particular, particle...
Randomized Algorithms discusses two problems of fine pedigree: counting and generation, both of which are of fundamental importance to discrete mathematics and probability. When asking questions like "How many are there?" and "What does it look like on average?" of families of combinatorial structures, answers are often difficult to find -- we can be blocked by seemingly intractable algorithms. Randomized Algorithms shows how to get around the problem of intractability with the Markov chain Monte Carlo method, as well as highlighting the method's natural limits. It uses the...
Randomized Algorithms discusses two problems of fine pedigree: counting and generation, both of which are of fundamental importance to discrete...