Presents country studies that apply comprehensive and comparable fiscal incidence analysis using the Commitment to Equity approach to examine how taxation and public expenditures affect income inequality and poverty.
Presents country studies that apply comprehensive and comparable fiscal incidence analysis using the Commitment to Equity approach to examine how taxa...
Sheds light on challenges in building a data system and provides actionable direction on how to navigate the complex issues associated with education data for better learning outcomes and beyond. This volume details the key ingredients of successful data systems.
Sheds light on challenges in building a data system and provides actionable direction on how to navigate the complex issues associated with education ...
Latin America and the Caribbean does not have the infrastructure it needs, or deserves, given its income. Many argue that the solution is to spend more; by contrast, this report has one main message: Latin America can dramatically narrow its infrastructure service gap by spending efficiently on the right things.
Latin America and the Caribbean does not have the infrastructure it needs, or deserves, given its income. Many argue that the solution is to spend mor...
Central American countries spend significant public resources subsidizing electricity, but the majority of subsidies go to higher-income households. This study assesses the fiscal and welfare impacts of electricity subsidies in Central America, and simulates reform options.
Central American countries spend significant public resources subsidizing electricity, but the majority of subsidies go to higher-income households. T...
Developing countries tend to subsidize energy products. This study finds that these subsidies can be very expensive when oil prices increase as in the 2000s. Moreover, they are an inefficient tool for protecting the poor.
Developing countries tend to subsidize energy products. This study finds that these subsidies can be very expensive when oil prices increase as in the...
Brings together a set of experiences from Central American countries in which behavioural insights are applied to different areas of public policy ranging from tax collection to susbsidy reforms, using mixed methods such as RCTs, surveys, focus groups and behavioural games.
Brings together a set of experiences from Central American countries in which behavioural insights are applied to different areas of public policy ran...
Do current stylized facts about African agriculture and rural livelihoods reflect reality? In rapidly-changing and data-scarce environments they risk being outdated and misleading. This report re-examines conventional wisdom about African farmers, from the bottom up and recognising the complexities involved.
Do current stylized facts about African agriculture and rural livelihoods reflect reality? In rapidly-changing and data-scarce environments they risk ...
Non-tariff measures (NTMs) in international trade continues to cause trade costs to be high and to impede the further growth of trade and the gains that can be derived from trade. This book discusses some of the analytical methods that can be used to estimate the impact of NTMs on international trade, and the possible gains from their reform.
Non-tariff measures (NTMs) in international trade continues to cause trade costs to be high and to impede the further growth of trade and the gains th...
L'ouvrage Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition: atteindre les cibles mondiales en matiere de retard de croissance, d'anemie, d'allaitement maternel et d'emaciation estime les couts et les impacts des differents scenarios de financement qui permettraient l'atteinte des cibles mondiales de nutrition adoptees par l' Assemblee mondiale de la sante en matiere de retard de croissance, danemie chez la femme, d'allaitement matemel exclusif et de mise a I'echelle du traitement de I'emaciation severe chez le jeune enfant. 11 faudra, pour atteindre ces quatre cibles, proceder a des...
L'ouvrage Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition: atteindre les cibles mondiales en matiere de retard de croissance, d'anemie, d'allaitement m...