This book looks at rules of origin in preferential trading agreements and their growing importance in trade negotiations. The book's message is that rules of origin can act as powerful barriers to trade and have been deliberately used as such.
This book looks at rules of origin in preferential trading agreements and their growing importance in trade negotiations. The book's message is that r...
This toolkit provides a novel approach and a set of tools that allow policymakers and analysts to identify non-tariff measures (NTMs), assess their trade restrictiveness and impact on prices and welfare, and to strengthen the institutional coordination mechanism, transparency, and regulatory governance on NTMs. It also aims at encouraging economies to increasingly address the NTM agenda from a domestic competitiveness and/or poverty perspective rather than from a mercantilist standpoint of concessions to trading partners. NTMs are policy measures, other than ordinary customs tariffs, that can...
This toolkit provides a novel approach and a set of tools that allow policymakers and analysts to identify non-tariff measures (NTMs), assess their tr...
African exporters suffer from low survival rates on international markets. They fail more often than others, incurring time and again the setup costs involved in starting new relationships. This high churning is a source of waste, uncertainty, and discouragement.
African exporters suffer from low survival rates on international markets. They fail more often than others, incurring time and again the setup costs ...
Olivier Cadot Michael J. Ferrantino Julien Gourdon
Non-tariff measures (NTMs) in international trade continues to cause trade costs to be high and to impede the further growth of trade and the gains that can be derived from trade. This book discusses some of the analytical methods that can be used to estimate the impact of NTMs on international trade, and the possible gains from their reform.
Non-tariff measures (NTMs) in international trade continues to cause trade costs to be high and to impede the further growth of trade and the gains th...