Extensive reviews have been published on the mor- aspects, anatomy, ultrastructure, physiology, bio- phology, anatomy, and physiology of the mam- chemistry, endocrinology, pharmacology, and physiopathology of the mammalian ovary. The malian ovary. However, little attention has been given to the gaps between the physiological, endo- contributors, who prepared their chapters metic- ulously, are recognized experts in their respective crine and histochemical parameters of the ovary as disciplines and their writings reflect extensive per- it relates to clinical aspects. There is a wealth of sonal...
Extensive reviews have been published on the mor- aspects, anatomy, ultrastructure, physiology, bio- phology, anatomy, and physiology of the mam- chem...
Extensive reviews have been published on the mor aspects, anatomy, ultrastructure, physiology, bio phology, anatomy, and physiology of the mam chemistry, endocrinology, pharmacology, and physiopathology of the mammalian ovary. The malian ovary. However, little attention has been given to the gaps between the physiological, endo contributors, who prepared their chapters metic ulously, are recognized experts in their respective crine and histochemical parameters of the ovary as disciplines and their writings reflect extensive per it relates to clinical aspects. There is a wealth of sonal...
Extensive reviews have been published on the mor aspects, anatomy, ultrastructure, physiology, bio phology, anatomy, and physiology of the mam chemist...
Extensive basic research and clinical trials have in some aspect of reproductive physiology, gyne- been conducted on inert and medicated intrauterine cology, or family planning. There is in this volume devices. In the last decade, substantial progress has an attempt to provide a total coverage of current been made in understanding the modes of action progress in medicated intrauterine devices. The and the physiological mechanisms of IUDs - pro- volume is intended for a broad readership, includ- gress resulting from modern techniques and in- ing physicians, medical workers, medical personnel,...
Extensive basic research and clinical trials have in some aspect of reproductive physiology, gyne- been conducted on inert and medicated intrauterine ...