A lively and cogent exploration of the golden age of Mexican cinema, which spanned the 1930s through to the 1950s. This book examines both Mexican cinema's role in building an imagined national community within Mexico and its economic and cultural impact on Latin America, Europe, and the United States.
A lively and cogent exploration of the golden age of Mexican cinema, which spanned the 1930s through to the 1950s. This book examines both Mexican cin...
In this volume of original essays, scholars from around the world address the history of British colonial cinema stretching from the emergence of cinema at the height of imperialism, to moments of decolonization and the ending of formal imperialism in the post-Second World War.
In this volume of original essays, scholars from around the world address the history of British colonial cinema stretching from the emergence of cine...
In these two volumes of original essays, scholars from around the world address the history of British colonial cinema stretching from the emergence of cinema at the height of imperialism, to moments of decolonization andthe ending of formal imperialism in the post-Second World War.
In these two volumes of original essays, scholars from around the world address the history of British colonial cinema stretching from the emergence o...
Shadow Economies of Cinema examines how films travel through time and space, both inside and outside established circuits of audiovisual trade. Combining industrial and cultural analysis, this book looks at distribution circuits from across the Americas, Africa and the Asia-Pacific, and explains how they shape film culture in their own image.
Shadow Economies of Cinema examines how films travel through time and space, both inside and outside established circuits of audiovisual trad...
This landmark collection of essays considers the global legacy of John Grierson, the father of British documentary. Exploring the influence of his ideas on documentary and educational film in a wide range of national contexts, this book foregrounds core issues and new perspectives in international documentary cinema cultures and histories.
This landmark collection of essays considers the global legacy of John Grierson, the father of British documentary. Exploring the influence of his ide...
In this groundbreaking exploration of in-flight cinema, Stephen Groening traces the history of this transnational cinematic practice. At once a history of exhibition and an inquiry into changing forms of media and spectatorship, this interdisciplinary book opens up new directions in the history of cinema, visuality, travel and cultural geography.
In this groundbreaking exploration of in-flight cinema, Stephen Groening traces the history of this transnational cinematic practice. At once a his...
Exploring the impact of travel on Arab cinema, Kay Dickinson reveals how the cinemas of Syria, Palestine and Dubai have been shaped by the history and politics of international circulation. This compelling book offers fresh insights into film, mobility and the Middle East.
Exploring the impact of travel on Arab cinema, Kay Dickinson reveals how the cinemas of Syria, Palestine and Dubai have been shaped by the history ...
Exploring the impact of travel on Arab cinema, Kay Dickinson reveals how the cinemas of Syria, Palestine and Dubai have been shaped by the history and politics of international circulation. This compelling book offers fresh insights into film, mobility and the Middle East.
Exploring the impact of travel on Arab cinema, Kay Dickinson reveals how the cinemas of Syria, Palestine and Dubai have been shaped by the history ...
The past four decades have seen the Spanish film industry rise from isolation in the 1970s to international recognition within European and World Cinema today. Exploring the cultural and political imperatives that governed this success, this book shows how Spanish film culture was deliberately and strategically shaped into its current form.
The past four decades have seen the Spanish film industry rise from isolation in the 1970s to international recognition within European and World C...
The past four decades have seen the Spanish film industry rise from isolation in the 1970s to international recognition within European and World Cinema today. Exploring the cultural and political imperatives that governed this success, this book shows how Spanish film culture was deliberately and strategically shaped into its current form.
The past four decades have seen the Spanish film industry rise from isolation in the 1970s to international recognition within European and World C...