Throughout the past decade, the phenomenon of technological convergence has increasingly gained managerial attention. In this special form of technological change, the coming-together of previously distinct knowledge bases gives rise to the creation of new applications and business models. When such innovations emerge at the intersection of industries, the resulting creative destruction may exceed previously established industry boundaries. As a consequence, convergence does not only promise the creation of new value, but may imply significant disruptions to established industries. Based...
Throughout the past decade, the phenomenon of technological convergence has increasingly gained managerial attention. In this special form of techn...
The present volume collects a selection of revised papers which were presented at the 21st Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling Meeting, held in Venice (Italy), on October 29-31, 1997. The Working Group was founded in September 1986 in Lisbon with the objective of providing an international forum for the exchange of information and experience; encouraging research and interaction be tween financial economic theory and practice of financial decision mak ing, as well as circulating information among universities and financial institutions throughout Europe. The attendance to the Meeting...
The present volume collects a selection of revised papers which were presented at the 21st Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling Meeting, held in ...
Presents the value chain management concept and demonstrates how it is applied in a global value chain planning model for commodities in the chemical industry. This book features an industry case study illustrating the effects of decision making integration.
Presents the value chain management concept and demonstrates how it is applied in a global value chain planning model for commodities in the chemical ...
This book draws on the work of authors from a range of countries and disciplines and looks at the broad agenda of "e-work" developments. It provides readers with insights into the latest concepts and theories around this debate and illustrates, through case studies, an array of experiences of e-work developments from around the world.
This book draws on the work of authors from a range of countries and disciplines and looks at the broad agenda of "e-work" developments. It provides r...
Sustainability has become a topic of global relevance: Corporations and other economically acting organizations increasingly need to realize economic, environmental and social objectives in order to survive. Supplementary to "classical" environmental management, realizing corporate sustainability requires comprehensive approaches which allow the integration of social and economic aspects. Such concepts can be found e.g. in international excellence models mainly based on a TQM thinking but also in the field of human factors in organizational design and management. Understood as systems...
Sustainability has become a topic of global relevance: Corporations and other economically acting organizations increasingly need to realize economic,...
1.1 Motivation Today's transportation market is far from perfect. Market participants have admission only to a certain fraction of the market and price formation lacks transparency. However, this state is no law of nature since in principle, all market participants could manage to get together somehow and do business - but gaining new business partners beyond existing bonds usually takes too high efforts. After all, the items in transportation markets are usually traded under extreme time pressure: transportation orders have fixed pick-up and delivery deadlines and free transportation...
1.1 Motivation Today's transportation market is far from perfect. Market participants have admission only to a certain fraction of the market and pric...
The productivity in pharmaceutical research and development faces intense pres- sure. R&D expenditures of the major US and European companies have topped US$ 33 billion in 2003 compared to around US$ 13 billion just a decade ago. At the same time, the number of new drug approvals has dropped from 53 in 1996 to only 35 in 2003. Moreover, the protraction of clinical trials has significantly reduced the effective time of patent protection. The consequences are devastating. Monopoly profits have started to decline and the average costs per new drug have reached a re- cord level of close to US$ 1...
The productivity in pharmaceutical research and development faces intense pres- sure. R&D expenditures of the major US and European companies have top...
Entrepreneurship that is something you learn in practice . Entreprene- ship is learning by doing . This is often heard when you tell others that you teach entrepreneurship, but maybe entrepreneurship is more doing by learning . Nevertheless, in entrepreneurship practice and theory are int- woven. For this reason the Learning Cycle introduced by Kolb (1984) is an often used teaching approach. According to this Learning Cycle there are four phases ( cycle ) that are connected: 1. Concrete experience ( doing, experiencing ) 2. Reflection ( reflecting on the experience ) 3. Conceptualization (...
Entrepreneurship that is something you learn in practice . Entreprene- ship is learning by doing . This is often heard when you tell others that you t...
Two very topical research questions are addressed in this book: Which are the determinants of new business formation and their survival, and will business start-ups, especially in the service sector, create employment and thereby generate growth? The analysis is based on a unique dataset consisting of the population of all businesses with at least one employee under social security in Germany in all private industries (manufacturing and services).
Two very topical research questions are addressed in this book: Which are the determinants of new business formation and their survival, and will b...
What is modern governance? Is it the battle against old-fashioned hierarchy, or is it the restoration of key hierarchical values? Is it optimizing network management, or maximizing the benefits of market thinking in the public-sector? This book argues that it is the combination of all this. The next question is: In practice, how do successful public managers design and manage combinations of hierarchical, network and market governance? In other words: what is their rationale to apply metagovernance?
Five case-studies show that metagovernance is a public management requisite: it...
What is modern governance? Is it the battle against old-fashioned hierarchy, or is it the restoration of key hierarchical values? Is it optimizing ...