This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
The book describes the transformation of discourse in cultural studies, a discourse which after its inception around the turn of the century was also designed to salvage German-Jewish interculturality. This transformation manifests itself in a discourse on political theology (involving Carl Schmitt and Gershom Scholem) through which the disastrous dissociation of the two cultures took its final and irrevocable course.
The book describes the transformation of discourse in cultural studies, a discourse which after its inception around the turn of the century was al...
This volume, edited in honour of Professor Jeffrey L. Sammons of Yale University on the occasion of his retirement, presents a series of incisive essays on German-Jewish literary and cultural history from the Enlightenment until the rise of Nazism. Key Jewish figures, including Heinrich Heine, Ludwig Boouml;rne, Rahel Varnhagen, Berthold Auerbach, Arthur Schnitzler, Franz Kafka, and Jacob Wassermann, are considered in excitingly new scholarly frameworks. Also German writers and personalities, like G. E. Lessing, Goethe, Grillparzer, Jean Paul, Julius Langbehn, Houston Stewart Chamberlain and...
This volume, edited in honour of Professor Jeffrey L. Sammons of Yale University on the occasion of his retirement, presents a series of incisive essa...
Der deutsch-judische historische Roman des 19. Jahrhunderts war in der judischen Literatur ein neues Phanomen, hervorgegangen aus der Notwendigkeit, das deutsch-judische Publikum mit Lesestoff zu versorgen. Da der historische Roman beim deutschen Publikum sehr beliebt war und im Kulturkampf wirksam eingesetzt werden konnte, ubernahmen ihn fuhrende judische Personlichkeiten als Vehikel zur Verbreitung von Ideen. So diente er dazu, neue Vorstellungen von Juden und Judentum zu entwickeln sowie die judische Geschichte neuzuschreiben, jeweils nach den ideologischen Bedurfnissen der beiden...
Der deutsch-judische historische Roman des 19. Jahrhunderts war in der judischen Literatur ein neues Phanomen, hervorgegangen aus der Notwendigkeit...
Seit den dreiiger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts wird Ghettoliteratur fur gut acht Jahrzehnte zum wichtigsten Genre einer sich ausdifferenzierenden judischen Literatur in deutscher Sprache. Die Dokumentation zeichnet im Teil 1: Rezeptionsdokumente (Bande 53 und 54) anhand von mehr als 600 kommentierten Quellen die Rezeption des Genres bis zum Beginn der dreiiger Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts nach. Im Teil 2: Autoren und Werke der Ghettoliteratur (Band 55) werden die Primartexte durch eine annotierte Bibliographie, Kurzbiographien der knapp hundert meist judischen Autoren von Ghettoliteratur, eine...
Seit den dreiiger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts wird Ghettoliteratur fur gut acht Jahrzehnte zum wichtigsten Genre einer sich ausdifferenzierenden judis...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
This study investigates the function of the recourse to the messianic tradition of Judaism among German-Jewish intellectuals in the first third of the 20th century. Messianic figures of thought play an important role in the Jewish discourse of identity. Moreover, they are used productively in the creation of general theories in the realm of cultural studies, especially regarding the philosophy of language and history and the theological-political complex. Here, all the considered authors (Benjamin, Bloch, Broch, Buber, Landauer, Rosenzweig, Scholem) secularize Jewish Messianism in one way...
This study investigates the function of the recourse to the messianic tradition of Judaism among German-Jewish intellectuals in the first third of ...
Berthold Auerbach s letters to Jakob Auerbach rank among the most important sources in German-Jewish literature. Over a span of more than 50 years (1830 1882), the writer confided to his friend and cousin, a Jewish educator, about the events of his personal life, which were inextricably bound up with the problems of Jewish emancipation.
Berthold Auerbach s letters to Jakob Auerbach rank among the most important sources in German-Jewish literature. Over a span of more than 50 years ...
Dieser Band beschaauml;ftigt sich mit der juuuml;dischen Identitat der oouml;sterreichischen Dichter und Denker Arthur Schnitzler, Stefan Zweig, Richard Beer-Hofmann, Karl Kraus und Theodor Herzl im Kulturkontext und in der Kulturkrise des osterreichischen Fin de Sieegrave;cle. Sie schopften alle mehr oder weniger bewusst aus einem reichen judischen Erbe, von dem sie sich entweder absetzten (Kraus, Zweig) oder dem sie sich wieder zuwandten (Beer-Hofmann, Herzl). Die dynamischen Spannungen, welche sich aus den Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Absorbieren osterreichischer Kultur einerseits und dem...
Dieser Band beschaauml;ftigt sich mit der juuuml;dischen Identitat der oouml;sterreichischen Dichter und Denker Arthur Schnitzler, Stefan Zweig, Richa...