This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
This volume is comprised of 14 contributions, which are revised and expanded versions of lectures held at an international conference on Stefan Zweig that took place in Israel in 2004. The essays focus on Zweig's biographical writings (for example Erasmus and Fouche), as well as on several aspects of his literary works that have been neglected since the revival of academic studies of his writings and career commenced some 25 years ago. These include: Zweig's conception of the daemonic, Zweig and Christianity, the discourse of love in his writings, Zweig as an Austrian eulogist, his...
This volume is comprised of 14 contributions, which are revised and expanded versions of lectures held at an international conference on Stefan Zweig ...
Bislang gibt es trotz der groen Anzahl deutsch-judischer Periodika (von 1806 bis 1938) nur wenige Arbeiten, die sich einzelnen Titeln widmen. Die Freistatt (1913/14) ist als Zeitdokument besonders interessant, weil sie als einziges deutsch-judisches Periodikum eine 'alljudische' Richtung propagiert, die sich sowohl vom liberalen als auch vom zionistischen Judentum in Deutschland abgrenzt. Gepragt ist dieses Konzept vor allem durch Fritz Mordechai Kaufmann (1888--1921). Da uber ihn wenig bekannt ist, steht zunachst seine Biographie im Mittelpunkt, bevor der fur ihn zentrale Kontext der...
Bislang gibt es trotz der groen Anzahl deutsch-judischer Periodika (von 1806 bis 1938) nur wenige Arbeiten, die sich einzelnen Titeln widmen. Die F...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
Die deutsch-judische Symbiose wird hier als ein historischer Vorgang analysiert, der nur unter den besonderen Umstanden der Entstehung des Bildungsburgertums und seiner Geschichte innerhalb der deutschen "Misere" moglich war. Ohne geschlossene Nation, ohne verbindende Hochsprache und gegen die Vormacht der franzosischen Kultur wurde ein Projekt "deutsche Nation" als geistige und ethische Zielvorstellung entworfen, in dem viele gebildete Juden Ahnlichkeiten zum eigenen Nationen-Bild erkennen konnten. Von Beginn an spalteten sich die Zielvorstellungen in deutsch-nationalistische und...
Die deutsch-judische Symbiose wird hier als ein historischer Vorgang analysiert, der nur unter den besonderen Umstanden der Entstehung des Bildungs...
Die begriffsgeschichtliche Studie zeigt, wie deutsch-juuuml;dische Autoren den zwischen 1750 und 1850 entstehenden allgemeinen Auffassungen von 'Nation', 'Vaterland', 'Patriotismus' und 'Nationalismus' - vor dem Hintergrund ihrer kulturellen und (unvollstaauml;ndigen) rechtlichen Emanzipation - eigene Definitionen entgegensetzten. Diese waren nicht zuletzt von der judischen Herkunft beeinflusst und blieben insbesondere angesichts der Gefahren des wachsenden Nationalismus im 19. Jahrhundert fast ausnahmslos dem kosmopolitischen Patriotismusverstandnis der deutschen Aufklarung verpflichtet.
Die begriffsgeschichtliche Studie zeigt, wie deutsch-juuuml;dische Autoren den zwischen 1750 und 1850 entstehenden allgemeinen Auffassungen von 'Natio...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs, collections of essays and editions of source texts dealing with German-Jewish literary and cultural history, in particular from the period covering the 18th to 20th centuries.
The closer definition of the term German-Jewish applied to literature and culture is an integral part of its historical development. Primarily, the decisive factor is that from the middle of the 18th century German gradually became the language of choice for Jews,...
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it is published in English and German and comprises research monographs,...