This book traces progress in photography since the first pinhole, or camera obscura, architecture. The authors describe innovations such as photogrammetry, and omnidirectional vision for robotic navigation. The text shows how new camera architectures create a need to master related projective geometries for calibration, binocular stereo, static or dynamic scene understanding. Written by leading researchers in the field, this book also explores applications of alternative camera architectures.
This book traces progress in photography since the first pinhole, or camera obscura, architecture. The authors describe innovations such as photogr...
This text presents techniques for describing image textures. Contrary to the usual practice of embedding the images to known modelling frameworks borrowed from statistical physics or other domains, this book deduces the Gibbs models from basic image features and tailors the modelling framework to the images. This approach results in more general Gibbs models than can be either Markovian or non-Markovian and possess arbitrary interaction structures and strengths. The book presents computationally feasible algorithms for parameter estimation and image simulation and demonstrates their abilities...
This text presents techniques for describing image textures. Contrary to the usual practice of embedding the images to known modelling frameworks borr...
Scale is a concept the antiquity of which can hardly be traced. Certainly the familiar phenomena that accompany sc ale changes in optical patterns are mentioned in the earliest written records. The most obvious topological changes such as the creation or annihilation of details have been a topic to philosophers, artists and later scientists. This appears to of fascination be the case for all cultures from which extensive written records exist. For th instance, chinese 17 c artist manuals remark that "distant faces have no eyes" . The merging of details is also obvious to many authors, e. g.,...
Scale is a concept the antiquity of which can hardly be traced. Certainly the familiar phenomena that accompany sc ale changes in optical patterns are...
This volume contains the papers presented at the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging. IPMI meetings have a a strong emphasis on the clinical relevance and validation of medical imaging. This book covers the whole spectrum: acquisition, tomographic reconstruction, registration, segmentation, knowledge-based analysis, display and image quality as well as several important applications. Several papers present significant advances in topics already discussed at previous meetings while others deal with new topics and methodology, opening new horizons in...
This volume contains the papers presented at the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging. IPMI meetings have a a st...
Motion-based recognition deals with the recognition of an object and/or its motion, based on motion in a series of images. In this approach, a sequence containing a large number of frames is used to extract motion information. The advantage is that a longer sequence leads to recognition of higher level motions, like walking or running, which consist of a complex and coordinated series of events. Unlike much previous research in motion, this approach does not require explicit reconstruction of shape from the images prior to recognition. This book provides the state-of-the-art in this...
Motion-based recognition deals with the recognition of an object and/or its motion, based on motion in a series of images. In this approach, a sequenc...
One of the most natural representations for modelling spatial objects in computers is discrete representations in the form of a 2D square raster and a 3D cubic grid, since these are naturally obtained by segmenting sensor images. However, the main difficulty is that discrete representations are only approximations of the original objects, and can only be as accurate as the cell size allows. If digitisation is done by real sensor devices, then there is the additional difficulty of sensor distortion. To overcome this, digital shape features must be used that abstract from the inaccuracies of...
One of the most natural representations for modelling spatial objects in computers is discrete representations in the form of a 2D square raster and a...
Since The Theory of the Moire Phenomenon was published it became the main reference book in its field. It provided for the first time a complete, unified and coherent theoretical approach for the explanation of the moire phenomenon, starting from the basics of the theory, but also going in depth into more advanced research results. However, it is clear that a single book cannnot cover the full breadth of such a vast subject, and indeed, this original volume admittently concentrated on only some aspects of the moire theory, while other interesting topics had to be left out. Perhaps the most...
Since The Theory of the Moire Phenomenon was published it became the main reference book in its field. It provided for the first time a complete, unif...
Edward Muybridge (1830-1904) is known as the pioneer in motion capt- ing with his famous experiments in 1887 called "Animal Locomotion." Since then, the ?eld of animal or human motion analysis has grown in many dir- tions. However, research and results that involve human-like animation and the recovery of motion is still far from being satisfactory. The modelling, tracking, and understanding of human motion based on video sequences as a research ?eld has increased in importance particularly in thelastdecadewiththeemergenceofapplicationsinsportssciences, medicine, biomechanics, animation...
Edward Muybridge (1830-1904) is known as the pioneer in motion capt- ing with his famous experiments in 1887 called "Animal Locomotion." Since then, t...
The recent emergence of Local Binary Patterns (LBP) has led to significant progress in applying texture methods to various computer vision problems and applications. The focus of this research has broadened from 2D textures to 3D textures and spatiotemporal (dynamic) textures. Also, where texture was once utilized for applications such as remote sensing, industrial inspection and biomedical image analysis, the introduction of LBP-based approaches have provided outstanding results in problems relating to face and activity analysis, with future scope for face and facial expression...
The recent emergence of Local Binary Patterns (LBP) has led to significant progress in applying texture methods to various computer vision problems...
'Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation' presents the mathematical methodology for generic image analysis tasks. In the context of this book an image may be any m-dimensional empirical signal living on an n-dimensional smooth manifold (typically, but not necessarily, a subset of spacetime).
'Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation' presents the mathematical methodology for generic image analysis tasks. In the...