Taking a truly holistic approach, Steiner tackles an eclectic series of subjects throughout these sixteen lectures, all united by the common theme of rediscovering how spirit pervades life. In addition to a focus on education in several lectures, he discusses experiences during sleep; the human spirit and soul between death and a new birth; how spirit "sculpts" the human organism; Christ from the perspective of Anthroposophy; the battle between luciferic and ahrimanic beings for human nature; karma and the creation of conditions for our return to a new life on Earth; human experience of the...
Taking a truly holistic approach, Steiner tackles an eclectic series of subjects throughout these sixteen lectures, all united by the common theme of ...
Steiner describes polarities of illness and derives courses of treatment from a comprehensive analysis. He considers many individual cases in detail and gives indications on therapeutic exercises, diet, and medicine. The "I," he states, relates directly to the physical body, and the spirit and soul need to be considered when making diagnoses. Throughout the lectures, Steiner offers valuable advice for the self-development of educators, emphasizing the need for enthusiasm, humor, and courage. As with Steiner's lectures on agriculture, this course has had a huge international impact, inspiring...
Steiner describes polarities of illness and derives courses of treatment from a comprehensive analysis. He considers many individual cases in detail a...
By "mantric sayings," Rudolf Steiner means content given by the spiritual world to be absorbed and experienced in meditation. Thus the volume contains intuitive insights received "from the spiritual world" and, as such, the vehicle to return us to it. The meditations were often given personally to others for general use, as well as for specific situations or needs such as healing and strengthening, in relation to those who had died, or for anthroposophic work. In other words, these short texts are to be performed--to be experienced. In this sense, they are directive--enjoining us to "Do this...
By "mantric sayings," Rudolf Steiner means content given by the spiritual world to be absorbed and experienced in meditation. Thus the volume contains...
Rudolf Steiner understood that the history of art is a field in which the evolution of consciousness is symptomatically and transparently revealed. This informal sequence of thirteen lectures was given during the darkest hours of World War I. It was a moment when the negative consequences of what he called the age of the consciousness soul, which began around 1417, were made most terribly apparent. In these lectures he sought to provide an antidote to pessimism. After describing the movement of consciousness from Greece into Rome, coupled with influences from the Orthodox East, he showed how...
Rudolf Steiner understood that the history of art is a field in which the evolution of consciousness is symptomatically and transparently revealed. Th...
At the heart of this volume is Rudolf Steiner's commentary on the elemental forces responsible for our earthly nature as human beings--forces that influence us as members of a national or geographical group. When such elemental forces are not recognized and understood, he states, they cause conflict and chaos. Nonetheless, Steiner indicates, too, an important task that calls each of us to develop individuality emancipate ourselves from the earthly influences of national and racial groups.
These great themes are framed by Steiner's pioneering research into the two major Northern folk...
At the heart of this volume is Rudolf Steiner's commentary on the elemental forces responsible for our earthly nature as human beings--forces that ...
How are we connected to the world around us? This question, says Rudolf Steiner, is one that lives subliminally, drawing us into the depths of the psyche. There, our candle of consciousness tends to flicker and go out. But spiritual schooling can relight it, so that we learn to perceive realms of our being beyond the restricted self.
Rudolf Steiner was undertaking major lecture tours of Germany and England, but he managed to take the time to address his followers at the world center of Anthroposophy in Dornach, Switzerland. He spoke there on three major topics: "The Life...
How are we connected to the world around us? This question, says Rudolf Steiner, is one that lives subliminally, drawing us into the depths of the ...
This series of lectures on the science of spiritual knowledge begins by addressing an audience in Dornach, Switzerland, where only months earlier his architectural masterpiece, the first Goetheanum, had been destroyed by fire. He discusses the nature of our solar system, revealing the planets characterized by freedom and those that determine destiny. Spirits of the Moon live in seclusion, preserving "original wisdom" and reflecting powers connected to sexuality, whereas the Sun creates harmony. Jupiter is "the thinker," whereas spirits on Saturn act as "living memory." Speaking in London,...
This series of lectures on the science of spiritual knowledge begins by addressing an audience in Dornach, Switzerland, where only months earlier h...
Rudolf Steiner's work and words, still largely undiscovered as compared to their value for humanity, continue to point the way toward a different path-a way of knowing that encompasses the fullness, the breadth and depth of life and the worlds we inhabit.
Rudolf Steiner's work and words, still largely undiscovered as compared to their value for humanity, continue to point the way toward a different path...