This book is a study of the politics of episcopal elections in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Normandy and Greater Anjou. This was a crucial period in the development of canon law and Jorg Peltzer offers the first analysis to bring together legal theory and practice, local custom, and politics. He explores the development of electoral theories and examines each election in context, offering insights into the varying balance of royal, papal and regional baronial power and the various career paths leading to an episcopal see. He shows how different systems of patronage worked, to what extent...
This book is a study of the politics of episcopal elections in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Normandy and Greater Anjou. This was a crucial period i...
The barbarian law codes, compiled between the sixth and eighth centuries, were copied remarkably frequently in the Carolingian ninth century. They provide crucial evidence for early medieval society, including the settlement of disputes, the nature of political authority, literacy, and the construction of ethnic identities. Yet it has proved extremely difficult to establish why the codes were copied in the ninth century, how they were read, and how their rich evidence should be used. Thomas Faulkner tackles these questions more systematically than ever before, proposing new understandings of...
The barbarian law codes, compiled between the sixth and eighth centuries, were copied remarkably frequently in the Carolingian ninth century. They pro...
Quarterly peer reviewed journal in Portuguese language. A revista Finis Mundi surge num final de ciclo, na proximidade de uma nova Era que esta somente a comecar e na qual os pais comecam a perceber que e quase certo que os seus filhos tenham uma vida pior que a sua, um periodo de transicao, o fim do "nosso" mundo tal qual o conhecemos... assim sendo, ha que recordar o Portugal que existiu, o Portugal que ainda existe e o Portugal que pode vir a existir; A revista Finis Mundi e independente do poder politico, do poder economico e de quaisquer grupos de pressao; A revista Finis Mundi vai...
Quarterly peer reviewed journal in Portuguese language. A revista Finis Mundi surge num final de ciclo, na proximidade de uma nova Era que esta soment...
A practical guide for managing both individual training projects and entire training departments, this book is designed for trainers working on their own and for managers of training teams - whether or not you come from a training background. "Training Management: A Practical Guide" covers:
* training needs analysis * training development * training delivery * hiring and evaluation * management * customer relations * estimating and tracking training projects * running a training business * selling training services * contracts and work orders
A practical guide for managing both individual training projects and entire training departments, this book is designed for trainers working on their ...
Totalmente documentado com fotocOpias de declaraCOes de publicaCOes raras da Torre de Vigia (em inglEs), este livro revela muitos factos que a Sociedade Torre de Vigia tenta esconder das Testemunhas de JeovA e de pesquisadores desta religiAo. Ele oferece uma breve anAlise da "BIblia TraduCAo do Novo Mundo, " doutrinas e prAticas daSociedade Torre de Vigia e revela a embaraCosa histOria de ensinos estranhos e falsas profecias da Torre de Vigia.
Este livro E uma leitura obrigatOria para Testemunhas de JeovA e pesquisadores desta religiAo de mente aberta. JeovA Deus E o Deus da verdade, e...
Totalmente documentado com fotocOpias de declaraCOes de publicaCOes raras da Torre de Vigia (em inglEs), este livro revela muitos factos que a Soci...
Henry VI, Part II is one of Shakespeare's most famous histories. But let's face it?if you don't understand it, then you are not alone. If you have struggled in the past reading Shakespeare, then we can help you out. Our books and apps have been used and trusted by millions of students worldwide. Plain and Simple English books, let you see both the original and the modern text (modern text is underneath in italics)--so you can enjoy Shakespeare, but have help if you get stuck on a passage.
Henry VI, Part II is one of Shakespeare's most famous histories. But let's face it?if you don't understand it, then you are not alone. If you have str...