Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. Known for his controversial ideas on schooling and religion, he was a prominent and influential figure in the history of British education. First published in 1844, this two-volume work presents a diverse collection of Arnold's correspondence, compiled by his friend and former pupil Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815 81), Dean of Westminster. Interspersed with biographical commentary by Stanley, the letters in Volume 2 illustrate Arnold's theological...
Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. K...
Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. Known for his controversial ideas on schooling and religion, he was a prominent and influential figure in the history of British education. First published in 1844, this two-volume work presents a diverse collection of Arnold's correspondence, compiled by his friend and former pupil Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815 81), Dean of Westminster. Interspersed with biographical commentary by Stanley, the letters in Volume 1 illuminate Arnold's early life...
Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. K...
This innovative aid to the study of Italian was published in 1867 by Maria Francesca Rossetti (1827 76), the older sister of Dante Gabriel, William Michael and Christina. A scholar and teacher of Italian, she was later to publish A Shadow of Dante, a guide to the Divine Comedy, also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection. Her purpose here, as she explains in her preface, is to demonstrate idiomatic Italian usage by providing short passages translated very literally into English, so that the 'unnatural' English phraseology demonstrates the correct Italian construction. The passages are...
This innovative aid to the study of Italian was published in 1867 by Maria Francesca Rossetti (1827 76), the older sister of Dante Gabriel, William Mi...
This work on the theory of education was first published in 1839. The five writers had been chosen as the winners in a competition for an essay on the 'Expediency and Means of Elevating the Profession of the Educator in Society', organised by the Central Society of Education, founded in 1837 to promote state funding of education, at a time when the 'monitor' system, whereby older children taught younger ones, was seen as an effective (and money-saving) method. The journalist John Lalor (1814 56) won first prize with a wide-ranging consideration of all the aspects of education, comparing the...
This work on the theory of education was first published in 1839. The five writers had been chosen as the winners in a competition for an essay on the...