Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. Known for his controversial ideas on schooling and religion, he was a prominent and influential figure in the history of British education. First published in 1844, this two-volume work presents a diverse collection of Arnold's correspondence, compiled by his friend and former pupil Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815 81), Dean of Westminster. Interspersed with biographical commentary by Stanley, the letters in Volume 2 illustrate Arnold's theological...
Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. K...
Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. Known for his controversial ideas on schooling and religion, he was a prominent and influential figure in the history of British education. First published in 1844, this two-volume work presents a diverse collection of Arnold's correspondence, compiled by his friend and former pupil Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815 81), Dean of Westminster. Interspersed with biographical commentary by Stanley, the letters in Volume 1 illuminate Arnold's early life...
Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795 1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. K...