For a number of years, the promise of biotechnology has been dimmed by concerns over the intrinsic safety of transgenic organisms. Although considerable knowledge of the properties of recombinant systems and a vast volume of data gathered from different applications of biotechnology are now available, these concerns are still evident. In the developing world, there are also fears that such countries might be used as testing grounds for recombinant products. Considerations of this nature have often overshadowed the benefits these countries might derive from the application of genetic...
For a number of years, the promise of biotechnology has been dimmed by concerns over the intrinsic safety of transgenic organisms. Although considerab...
This volume provides a reflective summary of research in parasitology in the late 20th Century combined with a vision of the major challenges and potential successes in the 21st Century. It has been compiled from selected papers presented at the Eighth International Congress of Parasitology. A wide variety of topics are covered including medical, veterinary, and plant parasitology, by contributors from many different countries. Chapters within the book consider current research on the biology of parasites, and new strategies in the transmission and control of parasitic diseases. This book...
This volume provides a reflective summary of research in parasitology in the late 20th Century combined with a vision of the major challenges and pote...
Despite repeated interventions by governments, donors and NGOs in recent years, food insecurity continues and developing countries are forced to rely on food aid again and again. The original idea of Starter Pack was to give a tiny bag of agricultural inputs - fertilizer and seed - to every smallholder farmer in Malawi. Although the program did not work as originally intended, it was successful in achieving food security. The scaling down of the program was a major contributor to the food crisis which hit Malawi (and other countries in Southern Africa) at the beginning of 2002. For once, we...
Despite repeated interventions by governments, donors and NGOs in recent years, food insecurity continues and developing countries are forced to rely ...
Nematodes are the most numerous metazoans in aquatic sediments. The majority of conducted studies on these aquatic forms focus mainly on those in marine and estuarine habitats. Nematodes from inland water bodies have been relatively forgotten or ignored. Recognizing this serious drawback and its impact on research on nematodes, this book brings together the available information on freshwater nematodes. It addresses the taxonomy of this extremely diverse phylum and provides analysis of its ecology in freshwater habitats from nematologists from 12 countries worldwide. Descriptions of each...
Nematodes are the most numerous metazoans in aquatic sediments. The majority of conducted studies on these aquatic forms focus mainly on those in mari...
Fish is the principal source of protein for people in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. While most fish are caught from nature, aquaculture or fish farming is now making a significant contribution to total fish production. More intensive conditions of aquaculture often result in a higher incidence of fish diseases and disorders. As in the first edition, the focus of this second edition is on protozoan and metazoan parasites that cause disease in fish. Significant changes to this second edition include the addition of three new chapters and four of the original...
Fish is the principal source of protein for people in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. While most fish are caught from n...
Recent concerns about energy security in the US have drawn greater attention to agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Agriculturally-derived energy sources such as ethanol, biodiesel, biomass, and windpower presently supply between 0.3% and 0.50% of the energy consumed in the US.
Organized into two parts, the first section of this book examines agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy, the integration of biomass energy into the US energy systems, a policy overview, and outlooks for energy production and consumption. The second section is a...
Recent concerns about energy security in the US have drawn greater attention to agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Agriculturall...
Parasitic flatworms include Cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes, schistosomes, etc), and are the cause of a number of major diseases of medical and veterinary significance. Much recent research has focused on molecular biology and genomics. this book aims to review advances in our understanding of these and related topics such as flatworm biochemistry, immunology and physiology. Where appropriate, comparisons are made between different parasitic flatworms and between parasitic and free-living species. Contributors to the book include leading authorities from Europe, North and South...
Parasitic flatworms include Cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes, schistosomes, etc), and are the cause of a number of major diseases of medica...
This book reviews the major achievements recently made in soil erosion and sediment redistribution research and management, and identifies future requirements. The book presents work from key players in river basin soil erosion and sediment redistribution from sources to sinks, field to riverbank, from academia to policy and industry. It examines the developments made in three themes - measurement, modeling and management - and covers a variety of scales (in both time and space) and geographical locations.
This book reviews the major achievements recently made in soil erosion and sediment redistribution research and management, and identifies future requ...
This book assesses the regional territorial impact of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Rural Development Policy (RDP), asking the question of how far these are compatible with objectives of territorial cohesion across the enlarged European Union. It considers both the incidence of CAP expenditure and producer subsidy equivalents across NUTS3 regions, and the impact of current CAP reforms, through detailed statistical analysis and case studies. It also assesses how far the CAP is consistent with the goals of European Union policy, as set out in the European Spatial Development...
This book assesses the regional territorial impact of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Rural Development Policy (RDP), asking the questio...
This book provides an invaluable review of the current methodologies used for assessing the environmental impacts of invertebrate biological agents used to control pests in agriculture and forestry. It explores methods to evaluate post-release effects and the environmental impact of dispersal, displacement and establishment of invertebrate biological control agents. It covers methodology on screening for contaminants, the use of molecular methods for species identification and the determination of interbreeding.
The book also discusses the use and application of information on...
This book provides an invaluable review of the current methodologies used for assessing the environmental impacts of invertebrate biological agents us...