This study tackles the problem of the Song of Song's structure by beginning at the bottom, the microstructure of the Song, rather than at the top. By employing a new type of rhetorical method, Professor Roberts defines each of the minimal structural units of the Song by identifying the formal poetic features that mark its opening and closing, coupled with the poetic features that create cohesion within it. Moving up the Song's structural ladder, larger units are identified with the same technique. While this study does not identify an overall structure, it does demonstrate how recognition of...
This study tackles the problem of the Song of Song's structure by beginning at the bottom, the microstructure of the Song, rather than at the top. By ...
This book assesses the regional territorial impact of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Rural Development Policy (RDP), asking the question of how far these are compatible with objectives of territorial cohesion across the enlarged European Union. It considers both the incidence of CAP expenditure and producer subsidy equivalents across NUTS3 regions, and the impact of current CAP reforms, through detailed statistical analysis and case studies. It also assesses how far the CAP is consistent with the goals of European Union policy, as set out in the European Spatial Development...
This book assesses the regional territorial impact of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Rural Development Policy (RDP), asking the questio...